OBJECTIVES: During this session, students should be able to listen to, talk and discuss the process of change, how change affects different people, describing changes, the importance of preserving traditions, vocabulary on change. Drills: Linking, Stress sentences and articulation. Game: dialogue, idiom on “ I m Mixed up” Debates on: Fast foods, sex education, capital punishment in China
TONGUE TWISTER: PLAIN What a to-do to sleep today, at a minute or two to two; A thing distinctly hard to say, but harder still to do. For they'll beat a tattoo, at twenty to two A rat-tat-tat- tat-tat-tat- tat-tat-tattoo And a dragon will come when he hears the drum, At a minute or two to two today, at a minute or two to two
SPEAKING PAIR ACTIVITY: LET’S TALK! You will either have a phone conversation or a direct face to face conversation with your partner. Please, take time to talk to dialogue with one another: this means you both take turns to ask question and answer each other. 3 mins.
IDIOM: I’M MIXED UP! What Does it Mean? CD #
ANSWER: I’m confused, I am wrestling I can’t make up my mind I don’t know what to do! I’ m pulled in two direction I’m in a fog!
VOCABULARY TrendConsiderateconsistent MetamorphosisAssumeHamish More LiteratureBagpipeDesignate Hybrid carContemporaryAmazon VegetarianismCraftsmenAdvocate PesticideInitiateFacilitate DecisiveTolerantFrantic Paralegal Phenomenon Widespread Potluck
VOCABULARY EXERCISES In Pair: Exercise A and B, pages 56 & 60
CHANGING TIMES: LIFESTYLE TRANSITION How do you deal with change? (take the survey on page 60, #5) How have you been able to cope with a recent change in your life?
LIFESTYLE CHANGE How we are changing : Pair exercises: Exercise A and B page 54
CHANGE: METAMORPHOSIS Caterpillar to butterfly is a painful process! Book: Who moved my cheese?
CHANGING TIMES… Because time is changing so fast, it is also very important to preserve the past for the next generation.
TREASURE: PRESERVING THE PAST Read about these people who preserve ancient artistic traditions which ones have you seen? How have you or your family tried to preserve Chinese arts, culture, language or traditions? Let’s do exercise b and C together Page 58
PRESERVING THE PAST: HUMAN TREASURES How have your family or you preserve past tradition, arts, culture and customs or memories of the past? Why do you think it is important to preserve them?
CURRENT TRENDS Think a current trend in China or your province or community in these areas: Educationfamilyhealthtechnology Environmentfoodhousingtravel Which is the most significant change in China and why?
LISTENING: GENERATION GAP Exercise A and B: Listen to Chris and Paula talking about the differences between their generation and their parent’s Write down the changes and list which ones are positive and which ones are negative. Page 56 CD #30-31
READING: RETURN TO SIMPLICITY “Leaving the rat race for the simple life” Page 61. Read the article and do Exercise B
DEBATE QUIZ: 5/12-16TH 2 people for the topic, two people against the topic. Each group will have 4 minutes total. The 5 other groups will evaluate each group. Here is the tool!
DEBATE: MARKETING –G1 Undercover Marketing is deceptive/wrong and should not be allowed in China/world!
DEBATE: CONSUMERISM AND CREDIT CARD –G2 Undergraduate college students should mot be allowed to own a credit card until after graduation because it is messing up their credit records
DEBATE: INTERNET MARKETING AND FAKE WEBSITES –G3 Internet marketing should be regulated by the government to prevent exploitation of consumer's rights and from fake websites.
DEBATE: TELEVISION AND CHILDREN -G 4 Children should not be allowed to watch TV at any time until they are 10 years old because there is too much violence on TV and it has too much negative influences on children.
DEBATE: TRADITION, CULTURE AND CHANGING TIMES-G5 Chinese University/College students should be learning advanced Chinese language, literature and art and not English or English literature in order to preserve our past and traditions.
DEBATE: ANIMALS AND PEOPLE G - 6 People who are irresponsible or abusive should not be allowed to own a pet.
DEBATE TOPICS: Group 1-2: Fast food restaurants should be eliminated in China for a healthier future. Group 1—agreesGroup 2—disagrees Group 3-6: Comprehensive Sex education should be taught to all high school in China. Group 6 – agrees Group 3-- disagrees Group 4-5: Death penalty should be abolished in the whole world because it is inhuman and does not serve real justice! Group 4 -- agreesGroup --5 disagrees
HOMEWORK: DUE 5/9/14 Practice the stress rule drill. You can download it via lecture Do the Self- study CD for Unit 10.
INTONATION Will you walk a little faster," said the whiting to the snail. "There's a porpoise close behind us and he's treading on my tail. See how eagerly the lobsters and the turtles all advance. They are waiting on a shingle; will you come and join the dance? Will you, won't you, will you, won't you Will you join the dance? Won't you, will you, won't you, will you, Won't you join the dance?" Lewis Caroll
N TONGUE TWISTER She stood upon the balcony, inimically mimicking him hiccupping while amicicably welcoming him in. Any noise annoys an oyster, but an noisy noise annoys an oyster most. you know New York you need New York you know you need unique New York
DEBATE: TRADITION, CULTURE AND CHANGING TIMES-G5 Chinese University/College students should be learning advanced Chinese language, literature and art and not English or English literature in order to preserve our past and traditions.