ISO/OMG Liaison ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32/WG 2 Washington D.C February 8-12 Thomas Culpepper 3M Health Information Systems Applied Technology Research Group Care Innovation Suite
ISO/OMG Liaison The OMG Liaison chair reported that the transfer of OMG’s Open Distributed Processing (ODP) liaison to SC7 has been approved in a SC7 ballot. This was suppose to be approved by JTC1 in the 1999 January meeting. Incorporation of ODP WGs into SC7 has taken place. WGs established are SC7/WG1, ODP Framework and Components, SC7/WG3, Enterprise Language, and SC7/WG5, QoS in ODP. –Meetings of WG1 and WG3 took place in Washington, D.C., January Targeted at progressing: ISO/IEC (Protocol Support for Computational Interactions) and ISO/IEC (Type Repository) to DIS and ISO/IEC (Enterprise Language) to CD. A meeting of WG5 to progress the QoS standard to FCD is planned for February. There was a meeting with members of X12 at the January OMG to explore the potential for OMG/X12 cooperation with regard to their move toward Object_Oriented-Electronic Data Interchange (OO-EDI). Noted that once General Inter-ORB Protocol (GIOP) has been approved as an ISO standard through the JTC1 PAS procedures, we need to investigate JTC1 fast tracking GIOP through ITU-T SG7 to become a formal ITU-T Recommendation.
International Telecommunications Union, Telecommunication StandardisationSector (ITU-T) SG4 has determined that a new version of Q.812 “Products for Telecommunications Network Management” should have a normative reference to CORBA – it’s currently CORBA 2.2. Tom Rutt, the Q.1414 Rapporteur, will submit a form from ITU-T A.5, External References, to ITU-T before the March 1999 SG4 meeting final approval of Q.812 regarding CORBA. The draft Roadmap for the submission of OMG specs to ISO was discussed. It was agreed that it should (a) be posted on the OMG server with and an sent to the full membership laying out what the Liaison Subcommittee is doing, including a pointer to the Roadmap on the server so they can see what is planned thus far, asking for contributions on other specs that should be added, and soliciting feedback, particularly on the prioritization. It was also agreed that the Roadmap out of the Philadelphia meeting incorporating feedback from the above should be sent to SG7 for their information as they will be receiving the bulk of the submissions already identified by the Roadmap. In view of it’s being sent outside OMG (where not everyone is familiar with OMG’s set of acronyms), it was agreed the editor should (a) include a section with acronym expansions, and (b) include references (URLs) to the documents.
Working at moving CORBAmed Lexicon Query Service (LQS) into ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32/ WG 2 under NCITS/L8. Looking at a place for the CORBAmed Person Identification Service (PIDS). Possibly the ISO TC215 group.