1 st Semester Exam Review
I. Credibility & Bias Credibility- Capable of being believed. Worthy of belief. Confidence. (Watch for Bias) CRAPP - Current, Reliable, Authority, Purpose, Point of View Primary v Secondary Source Primary - 1 st person, was there -Is always credible, but can be biased- in their own words & point of view Secondary - Comment on or analysis of an original text Not always credible Reliability -Proven accurate, a source you can trust that contains correct information Backed by facts not opinions Is consistent with other information Thesis- A position taken in an argument supported by a set of reasons- or main idea Support- Back up with details Refute - Prove wrong using evidence
II. Enlightenment Ideas Scientific Revolution- Apply Reason to natural world/ Question everything- Replaces the Church as the answers to scientific questions Natural Rights/Laws- All people free, Life, Liberty & Pursuit of Happiness Government exists to protect your natural rights/People control Government/Change Bad Governments (Revolution) Enlightenment Impact on America - Declaration of Independence= Failure of British to Protect our Natural Rights US Constitution: Social Contract; Division of Power; Protection of Rights Bill of Rights: Protection of Natural Rights Thinkers
Enlightenment part 2 Divine Right of Kings -God picked the King/Queen -To go against King is to go against God Mercantilism- -Government controls economy & Trade -Has Colonies to make money -Goal: Positive balance of trade = more Gold/Silver -Enlightenment: People should decide what is to be produced & traded; no government interaction Governments in the 1600s & 1700s dislike Enlightenment because: -Don’t like their rule being questioned -Goes against tradition -Against Divine Right -People wield power/not the government -Calls for the overthrow of bad governments -Called for a separation of Church & State
III. Revolutions Part I General Info Revolution: major change in an area- Political, Economical, Socially… Political Revolutions & Enlightenment- our natural rights are not protected so replace that government Be able to compare & contrast revolutions American Revolution
Revolutions Part 2 French Revolution 1. Causes: Taxes on 3 rd Estate- 98% of Population & Inequality amongst Estates American Revolution Start: Storming of Bastille 2. Effects: Middle Class (bourgeois) Gain Power Nationalism Spread of Revolutionary Ideas Latin American Revolution
IV. Industrial Revolution Agrarian Revolution- more food, fewer farmers needed- more workers for factories Laissez-Faire: “Hands-Off” Government does not get involved in economy: Free-Market economy: Supply & Demand Industrialization : Go from handmade, highly skilled workers, to machine made- low skill workers Labor Unions- formed to address working conditions- gave a united front to factory owners/Factory Owners against- costly- do not want to be told how to run business Why does it start in England? 1. Geography- Resources 2. Capital- Money 3. Population Growth 4. Technology Needs of Industrialism 1. Big Population (Workers) 2. Natural Resources 3. Transportation
Effects of the Industrial Revolution Positive More & Cheaper Goods Rise of Middle Class Class Movement Importance of Education Urbanization Negative
V. Imperialism The take over or control of another nation or territory Old Imperialism- Take colonies to set up extensions of mother country New Imperialism- take over for raw materials & markets for industrialism. Also as a symbol of power & prestige Nationalism & Imperialism: The Prestige & Honor of taking territories “Gamesmanship” Why European success? -Better Technology -Better Military -New Medicines Social Darwinism: “Survival of the Fittest” Western society “superior-” so force it upon the “inferior” countries. Also spread religion. Assimilation: Forcing a group of people to take on your customs & traditions. (Under Asia) Industrialism & Imperialism -Industrialism led to a need for more raw materials & new markets -Led to Imperialism- exploit areas (Raw Materials in Africa & New Markets in Asia)
Imperialism in Africa & Asia Africa Was imperialized because of its wealth of natural resources “White Man’s Burden” belief that it was the duty of Europeans to “civilize” & Christianize the “inferior” people Great Game/Scramble for Africa: division of Africa by the European powers- take as much as land as possible Effects: -Positive: Access to European Technology & Schooling. Better Health Care, Economic Expansion (Done for Europeans living there) Negative: Loss of culture, loss of political control, exploitation of land, borders based on European conquest instead of tribal borders Asia
Test Strategies Be On Time Bring Pencil Answer correct question Short & Extended Response: 1. Complete ideas 2. Answer all parts of question 3. Answer what is asked 4. I can only grade what is on the paper 15% of grade- no floor Study Session- may stop in morning of exam- let me know day before.