Presented by: Trina Kluever Pauli – WI Pamela Marshall - KY
Companies that operate commercial vehicles transporting passengers or hauling cargo in interstate commerce must be registered with the FMCSA and must have a USDOT Number. Also, commercial intrastate hazardous materials carriers who haul quantities requiring a safety permit must register for a USDOT Number. The USDOT Number serves as a unique identifier when collecting and monitoring a company's safety information acquired during audits, compliance reviews, crash investigations, and inspections.
All first-time carrier applicants for a USDOT Number will be automatically enrolled in the FMCSA New Entrant Safety Assurance Program. This program requires new entrants to pass a safety audit and maintain acceptable roadside safety performance over an initial 18-month period before they are given permanent registration status. In most cases, companies operating exclusively as brokers or non-vehicle- operating shippers or freight forwarders do not need to obtain a USDOT Number
In select states, all registrants of commercial motor vehicles, even intrastate and non- Motor Carrier registrants, are required to obtain a USDOT Number as a necessary condition for commercial vehicle registration. What states require this?
FMCSA developed the concept of the registrant only numbers in 1999 to identify registered owners of commercial motor vehicles that are not motor carriers, but lease their vehicles to entities that are motor carriers. FMCSA later concluded that the registrant- only numbers were being used differently than intended and announced the decision to eliminate the requirement from the PRISM program. Set date is September 1, 2012