David Flynn Ballymun Job Centre. The BJC was established in 1986 as a community response to a chronic unemployment situation The BJC is a voluntary organisation.


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Presentation transcript:

David Flynn Ballymun Job Centre

The BJC was established in 1986 as a community response to a chronic unemployment situation The BJC is a voluntary organisation with charitable status it is a co-operative and is managed by a Board of Management Over the years the BJC has built relationships and worked closely with a wide range of public, private, European and community organisations Ballymun Job Centre

Arial view of Ballymun, 1997

Mission: To raise the skills, educational levels and the labour market aspirations of individuals in the greater Ballymun area Ballymun Job Centre

 Age 15+  Early school leavers  Neighbourhoods with higher risk of poverty  High levels of unemployment  Low levels of literacy  Low value placed on education  Low levels of self confidence/self efficacy  Negative role models  Single Parent Families / childcare issues  Drug misuse/ Alcohol abuse  Criminal behaviour  Reliance on social welfare  Cycle of poverty which can be difficult to break  Lack of self knowledge/ occupational knowledge  Lack of coping skills/motivation  Self-knowledge  Occupational knowledge Client Profile and Barriers

 An initial Assessment of the individuals needs (education, training, skills, personal situation)  A tailored career guidance process identifying latent skills, abilities, aptitudes, preferred behavioural style in the workplace (through use of a range of methodologies/tools)  Development of a career plan which includes a career objective and shorter term career goals  Implementation of the career plan in a supportive and positive way – a mediation model  Guidance model integrated across all BJC services including drug/ prison links

Examples of Transfer from past EU Programmes to day to day work EGUIDE ( ) General Career Guidance tool (web based) consisting of an Interest Explorer, Personality Discovery Quiz, Cognitive Explorer and Quality Assurance Framework The inter-agency process EQUAL YOUTH, developed as part of the EU EQUAL INITIATIVE (2005/07) is now part of the way some agencies working with young people co-operate together in Ballymun BJC uses BJC uses Innovation and Research


 Initiative of Equal Youth – interagency approach  (BJC, Probation, BRYR: Youth Services, Drugs Task Force, Trinity Comprehensive, Youthreach, Department of Social Protection, An Garda Siochana etc.) assisting young people aged to access sustainable careers  4-6 month structured programme incorporating IT, Drama, Career Guidance, Horticulture/Gardening, Training for and completing a fun run, An Gaisce Award Ballyrunners

 Benefits for participants ◦ Increase in Self esteem, Self confidence particularly in terms of achievement ◦ Clarity re potential, strengths and next steps ◦ Increased ability to work as a team, recognition of others strengths ◦ Self motivation

 Pilot initiative: Nov 2012 – Dec 2014  Funded by the EU and State  739 young people aged  Job Seekers Payment  Underpinned by an Interagency network  4 month period of interaction with each client  Process: ◦ Activation – Department of Social Protection ◦ Group Information session ◦ Profiling ◦ Referral to BJC Guidance service (BJC Team: 5 guidance practitioners and a team leader) Ballymun Youth Guarantee Pilot

Implementation of a career Plan SupportivePositiveRealistic Development of a Career Plan Career ObjectiveShort term goalsLong term goals Tailored Guidance Process Latent skills, aptitudes, abilities, preferred behavioural styleTools and Methods Initial Assessment Profiling, education, skills, experience, self perception, hopes for future, career identity, identification of service required

Increase Self Awareness Improve Self Esteem Build Career Self Efficacy Resilient in Labour Market Ballymun Youth Guarantee Pilot

 Outreach, engagement and referral  Career Guidance and Career Planning  Offers: Opportunities include:  Basic education and training (literacy)  Counselling and drug and alcohol support  Prepare for Employment and Education Jobs Club  Specific skills training  Blended learning (work experience and skills training)  Further and higher education  Work Experience  Work Placement  Enterprise and social enterprise support and opportunities  Financial support for pursuing education and training is also available WHAT KINDS OF SUPPORT ARE AVAILABLE ON THE BYG PILOT?

The national YG should be based on the objective of investing in young people in order to increase their employability and labour market sustainability in the long- term. Ballymun Youth Guarantee Pilot

o Positive and Supportive Approach o An Inter Agency Approach o Let Young People Have Their Say o Good quality career advice o Local, Innovative, Flexible Responses - take a risk! o Quality offers and wrap around support o Employer Engagement LESSONS from the Youth Guarantee

Organisational Level  Adoption of a Guidance Policy  Quality Guidance model – systems and structure to the approach  Providing on-going Guidance  Use time to develop the career plan Practitioner Level  Skills of the guidance practitioner  Interaction: Approach of the guidance practitioner  Team approach and peer support Client Level  Non intimidating setting  Establishing Trust and Rapport  Openness to on-going support Ballymun Youth Guarantee Pilot

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