JOB ADVERTS THURSDAY 28 TH FEBRUARY To be able to explain the purpose of a job advert and the contents of a job advert
Starter activity Find an example of a job advert on the internet. Look through the contents of it. Would you apply for this job?
Job adverts This is a document that is produced by businesses to help them fill a vacancy. They need to attract people to apply for the job at the same time as providing useful information to help the candidate to decide upon whether to apply or not.
Where could you place a job advert? Have a conversation with your neighbour about this and make a note of your ideas in a thought shower. Places to put a job advert Local newspaper National newspaper Job centre Recruitment agency Shop window Industry journal/magazine Recruitment websites
The contents of a job advert What information is included in a job advert? Job title Brief job description Brief description of the ideal candidate Information about the business Salary information Information on bonuses and incentives Closing date Contact information
Task Look at the job adverts that you’ve been given. Do they contain all of the information we’ve just discussed?
Task Explain why it is important that the following information is included in the job advert by completing the worksheet you’ve been given.
Tulisa’s leaving the X Factor! Create a job advert for an X Factor judge.
Plenary Where would you place yourself on the chart below? I have no idea about this topic I can explain some of the information that has been covered in today’s lesson I could give an A*/Distinction level answer on this topic
Homework Find out what a person specification is. Due Tuesday 5 th March