Peter Barron World TB Day, 14 March 2008
The District Health Barometer 2006/07 27 Indicators – socioeconomic and health Up to 4 years of data Profile for SA, 9 provinces and 52 districts CD with full database A ‘live’ web-enabled GIS District Health Barometer
The District Health Barometer 2006/07 1)Compares equity issues between districts and between provinces; improvements & deterioration over the last few years 2)Looks at health indicators – Quality of data improvements 3)Reviews trends over time, monitor progress towards goals.
The District Health Barometer 2006/07 1. Socio-economic Indicators e.g. Access to Water 2. Input Indicators e.g. Per Capita Expenditure on Primary Health Care 3. Process indicators e.g. Clinic Supervision Rate
The District Health Barometer 2006/07 4. Output Indicators Male Condom Distribution Rate PMTCT Indicators Proportion of antenatal clients tested for HIV HIV prevalence rate amongst antenatal clients tested Nevirapine uptake rate among HIV+ve pregnant women Nevirapine uptake rate among babies born to HIV+ve pregnant women 5. Outcome indicators Incidence of new Sexually Transmitted Infections TB Smear conversion rate TB cure rate 6. Impact indicators e.g. Perinatal Mortality Rate (PNMR)
THANK YOU We acknowledge the National Department of Health for access to and use of their data for this publication and Atlantic Philanthropies for funding the project.