Issues of Division Among Brethren Part Two: One Cup in the Lord’s Supper – Support of Human Institutions – The Social Gospel – The Sponsoring Church –


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Presentation transcript:

Issues of Division Among Brethren Part Two: One Cup in the Lord’s Supper – Support of Human Institutions – The Social Gospel – The Sponsoring Church – The Discipling Movement Part Two: One Cup in the Lord’s Supper – Support of Human Institutions – The Social Gospel – The Sponsoring Church – The Discipling Movement

One Cup in the Lord’s Supper Some brethren have questioned… “Is the church authorized to multiple cups in partaking of the Lord’s Supper?” Some brethren have questioned… “Is the church authorized to multiple cups in partaking of the Lord’s Supper?”

One Cup in the Lord’s Supper The NT does speak of the “cup of blessing” (I Cor 10:16). The context of the establishment of the memorial shows that the focus is upon the contents not the container. Luke 22:17, 20 Jesus attached significance to the previously divided cup! The NT does speak of the “cup of blessing” (I Cor 10:16). The context of the establishment of the memorial shows that the focus is upon the contents not the container. Luke 22:17, 20 Jesus attached significance to the previously divided cup!

One Cup in the Lord’s Supper Some argue that the container itself represents the “New Covenant.” The NT teaches that there are two elements in the memorial not three. Further, “the cup” (liquid) represents the covenant of blood (liquid). I Cor 10:16; Matthew 26:27,28 Some argue that the container itself represents the “New Covenant.” The NT teaches that there are two elements in the memorial not three. Further, “the cup” (liquid) represents the covenant of blood (liquid). I Cor 10:16; Matthew 26:27,28

Support of Human Institutions In the mid 20 th century division occurred over the question… “Is the church authorized to support institutions set up by Christians to perform various worthwhile services?” In the mid 20 th century division occurred over the question… “Is the church authorized to support institutions set up by Christians to perform various worthwhile services?”

Support of Human Institutions Initially concerned… Children’s Homes Bible Colleges, now it includes… Hospitals, student centers, camps, etc… Which solicit funds from local churches. Initially concerned… Children’s Homes Bible Colleges, now it includes… Hospitals, student centers, camps, etc… Which solicit funds from local churches.

Support of Human Institutions Is this an… Emotional Issue? Or a Question of Biblical Authority? Is this an… Emotional Issue? Or a Question of Biblical Authority?

Support of Human Institutions Two Questions… Is the work in question a work of the church? then Can the church surrender her responsibility to another? Two Questions… Is the work in question a work of the church? then Can the church surrender her responsibility to another?

Support of Human Institutions Are things like… Secular Education? Medical Care? Child Rearing? Works of the church or the individual? Are things like… Secular Education? Medical Care? Child Rearing? Works of the church or the individual?

Support of Human Institutions Some say… “If the individual can do it the church can do it!” Really? Can it vote? Earn a living? Take a vacation? Have a hobby? Some say… “If the individual can do it the church can do it!” Really? Can it vote? Earn a living? Take a vacation? Have a hobby?

Support of Human Institutions Parents are to discipline their children… “And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4) The church has no right (or charge) to discipline my children! Parents are to discipline their children… “And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4) The church has no right (or charge) to discipline my children!

Support of Human Institutions Two Questions… Is the work in question a work of the church? then Can the church surrender her responsibility to another? Two Questions… Is the work in question a work of the church? then Can the church surrender her responsibility to another?

Support of Human Institutions If something is the work of the church we have no right to surrender it to another! Human Organization Work of the church Church

The Social Gospel In the mid 20 th century also, division occurred over… The Role of the church in addressing man’s social needs. “Social Gospel Movement” – church’s purpose was to heal social ills in society. Others - Social means to a spiritual end. In the mid 20 th century also, division occurred over… The Role of the church in addressing man’s social needs. “Social Gospel Movement” – church’s purpose was to heal social ills in society. Others - Social means to a spiritual end.

The Social Gospel Some brethren have built kitchens and halls to eat in they call “fellowship halls.” Others, have built gymnasiums, basketball courts, “youth houses,” etc. A large church in Kansas City even has a Starbuck’s Coffee Shop in the building! Where does it end? Some brethren have built kitchens and halls to eat in they call “fellowship halls.” Others, have built gymnasiums, basketball courts, “youth houses,” etc. A large church in Kansas City even has a Starbuck’s Coffee Shop in the building! Where does it end?

The Social Gospel Christians should be involved with each other away from the assembly (Acts 2:46). The Bible warns us not to confuse the social and spiritual sides of things (I Cor 11:22, 27-34). There are scriptural and unscriptural ways to address these needs. Individual vs. Church. Christians should be involved with each other away from the assembly (Acts 2:46). The Bible warns us not to confuse the social and spiritual sides of things (I Cor 11:22, 27-34). There are scriptural and unscriptural ways to address these needs. Individual vs. Church.

The Social Gospel The “Social Gospel” approach distorts the work and purpose of the church and uses carnal means (rather than spiritual means) to draw people to Christ. I Timothy 3:15 “Pillar and ground of the truth” The “Social Gospel” approach distorts the work and purpose of the church and uses carnal means (rather than spiritual means) to draw people to Christ. I Timothy 3:15 “Pillar and ground of the truth”

The Sponsoring Church We noticed this morning an issue that divided those of the “Restoration Movement” in the late 19 th century called… The Missionary Society We noticed this morning an issue that divided those of the “Restoration Movement” in the late 19 th century called… The Missionary Society Human Organization Preacher Church

The Sponsoring Church Brethren in the 20 th century developed a scheme which imitated this (in essence) called… The Sponsoring Church Brethren in the 20 th century developed a scheme which imitated this (in essence) called… The Sponsoring Church Human Organization Preacher Church Sponsoring Church

The Sponsoring Church In the New Testament churches sent out and supported preachers themselves with no “go between.” Acts 13:1-3; Philippians 4:10-20 The only example of church sending to church was for relief (Acts 11:27-30). Relief – No “go between” In the New Testament churches sent out and supported preachers themselves with no “go between.” Acts 13:1-3; Philippians 4:10-20 The only example of church sending to church was for relief (Acts 11:27-30). Relief – No “go between”

The Sponsoring Church Some say… So much good is done! It must be acceptable to God! It is an issue of authority – it is an issue of church organization and autonomy. How can we object to denominational innovations then use our own? Some say… So much good is done! It must be acceptable to God! It is an issue of authority – it is an issue of church organization and autonomy. How can we object to denominational innovations then use our own?

The Discipling Movement In the late 20 th century efforts were begun to take a much more aggressive posture in evangelism. “Crossroads Movement” (Later rejected by the Crossroads Church) “Boston Movement” or “Discipling Movement” In the late 20 th century efforts were begun to take a much more aggressive posture in evangelism. “Crossroads Movement” (Later rejected by the Crossroads Church) “Boston Movement” or “Discipling Movement”

The Discipling Movement Major characteristics… Unscriptural organization. Single church assumed oversight of “home churches.” –Areas of the country were divided into regions of oversight “overseen” by elders in Boston or Los Angeles. “Sponsor” confessional. Converts were accountable to a “sponsor” to confess sins and contribution. –The sponsor was not expected to confess in return! Major characteristics… Unscriptural organization. Single church assumed oversight of “home churches.” –Areas of the country were divided into regions of oversight “overseen” by elders in Boston or Los Angeles. “Sponsor” confessional. Converts were accountable to a “sponsor” to confess sins and contribution. –The sponsor was not expected to confess in return!

The Discipling Movement We all want to see souls come to Christ. Yet, if we adopt denominational techniques to do so how are we any different from the denominations. (Acts 20:28; James 5:16). –Organizational hierarchy & confession are the bedrocks of Catholicism! Are we trying to “out denomination” the denominations? We all want to see souls come to Christ. Yet, if we adopt denominational techniques to do so how are we any different from the denominations. (Acts 20:28; James 5:16). –Organizational hierarchy & confession are the bedrocks of Catholicism! Are we trying to “out denomination” the denominations?

The Discipling Movement Those associated with this movement eventually formed the denomination called the “International Church of Christ” rejecting all pretense of being non- denominational. Why not just follow the Bible? I Timothy 3:15 Those associated with this movement eventually formed the denomination called the “International Church of Christ” rejecting all pretense of being non- denominational. Why not just follow the Bible? I Timothy 3:15