1 Network Simulation and Testing Polly Huang EE NTU
2 Project Proposal Discussion
3 Available Time Slot 4/19 Monday –10-11:30, 5:30- 4/20 Tuesday –11-2, 3-6 4/21 Wednesday –12-2, 4- 4/23 Friday –10-2, 5:30-
4 ns-2 Lab1
5 Schedule: 2 nd Week lab 1 setup/running examples lab 2 tcl/otcl exercises lab 3 simple ns-2 exercise
6 Making It Interesting 1 st Annual ns-2 programming contest –2 phases –Finish time recorded for those finish the labs within lab hours –For the top 5 within-the-lab-hour finishers, each get prize money $500 –As long as you finish by the due date, you get credits for hw3 and hw4.
7 The Format I will go over the labs –1. Installing ns-2 –2. tcl/otcl exercises –3. A simple ns-2 exercise Then, you are off to complete the labs –With online reference –Feel free to google –Feel free to discuss –Feel free to ask questions –Feel free to get food/drink –Feel free to go to the restroom
8 Proof of Completion For each lab, raise hands once –Time of completion if results are correct Me approaching Show me the results –1. ns-2 compiling, nam-1 compiling, simple.tcl –2. Your script and results, 2a, 2b, 2c –3. Your script and results Labs must be completed in order Sample solutions will be released next week
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