1 Network Simulation and Testing Polly Huang EE NTU
2 ns-2 Lab2
3 Schedule: 4 th Week lab 4 intermediate ns-2 exercise lab 5 getting data you want lab 6 send TCP data aggressively lab 7 send UDP data TCP-friendly
4 Making It Interesting 1 st Annual ns-2 programming contest –2 phases –Finish time recorded for those finish the labs within lab hours –For the top 5 within-the-lab-hour finishers, each get prize money $500 –As long as you finish by the due date, you get credits for hw3 and hw4.
5 The Format I will go over the labs Then, you are off to complete the labs –With online reference –Feel free to google –Feel free to discuss –Feel free to ask questions –Feel free to get food/drink –Feel free to go to the restroom
6 Proof of Completion For each lab, raise hands once –Time of completion if results are correct Me approaching Show me the results –Your scripts/changes and results Labs must be completed in order Sample solutions will be released next week
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