Proton Driver Resources & Schedule (R&D Plan) Rich Stanek May 10, 2005
Fermilab May , 2005 Rich Stanek - Accelerator Advisory Committee2 Outline Introduction Summary of the PD Cost Estimate A Preliminary Look at the PD Schedule Cost & Schedule Drivers Labor Resources Conclusions
Fermilab May , 2005 Rich Stanek - Accelerator Advisory Committee3 Introduction Proton Driver is still in the early stages of the project planning process. Initial estimates of the project cost & schedule have been made in order to establish a range of values for these parameters. These estimates are based on assumptions regarding the success of the R&D work plan and the available infrastructure that will be in place Superconducting Module Test Facility plays an essential role in the execution of a Proton Driver Project (SMTF = HPTF+CAF) In fact, all four SCRF projects (PD, SMTF, ILC and FNPL) are fundamentally interconnected such that an obvious synergy exists between them. The goal is to utilize our resources in the most efficient and cost effective way in order to make progress on all fronts
Fermilab May , 2005 Rich Stanek - Accelerator Advisory Committee4 Introduction (cont’d) The Proton Driver work is divided into two phases –R&D Phase (now until start of the project) –Proton Driver Project R&D Phase is designed to prepare the PD Project for a fast start. It will test all critical components (up to and including building prototypes) and establish a sound technical basis for the project Proton Driver Project is expected to last approximately five years assuming the required infrastructure and facilities are available at the start of the project (either here or at collaborating institutions)
Fermilab May , 2005 Rich Stanek - Accelerator Advisory Committee5 Proton Driver R&D Plan The R&D stage of the Proton Driver involves –Procuring, setting up and testing the series of Front End components (325 MHz) in the Meson Detector Building to establish a sound technical basis for the final design –Establishing the technical feasibility and reliability of the ferrite vector modulators and the distribution system for rf power from a single klystron –Designing, fabricating and testing prototype spoke resonators and elliptical cavities in cryomodules in order to verify the proposed operating parameters and the expected heat loads for the main Linac as well as to validate the fabrication process and the assembly fixtures ALL of these goals are critical steps in the process of building the Proton Driver ALL of these goals involve SMTF (either through the fabrication or testing facilities)
Fermilab May , 2005 Rich Stanek - Accelerator Advisory Committee6 R&D Goals The short term goal is to have a working 325 MHz rf system and parts of the Front End (ion source, LEBT, RFQ) operating in the Meson Detector Building (MDB) by Qtr 3 of FY06 In parallel, we want to build and test a single spoke resonator cavity/cryomodule and a Beta =.81 elliptical cryomodule (collaboration with ANL and MSU) As additional Front End prototypes are completed they will be tested in MDB with the long term goal of successful beam acceleration up to 110 MeV
Fermilab May , 2005 Rich Stanek - Accelerator Advisory Committee7 Director’s Review A Director’s Preliminary Technical Review of the Proton Driver was held at Fermilab on March 15-17, The combined purpose was to review the accelerator design concept of the Proton Driver and comment on the relative cost difference of the two technical options. The closeout report can be found at: DR Proton Driver March-2005.doc “The Committee did not review these cost estimates in detail; however, we find that, based on comparison with similar projects elsewhere, the cost estimates seem to be in a reasonable range. The Proton Driver team should be commended for making a serious attempt to estimate the costs at this early stage.” Recommendations: –Continue detailed development of project plan, schedules, and estimates as planned –Consider developing and preparing a formal Proton Driver R&D Plan with an associated schedule and cost estimate –Work with the Proton Plan team to develop an optimized program for the Plan. Consider developing and preparing a formal Main Injector Upgrade Project with an associated TDR, detailed cost and schedule
Fermilab May , 2005 Rich Stanek - Accelerator Advisory Committee8 PD Preliminary Cost Estimate (All costs in 2004 K$) Linac Project M&S* 229,779 Project SWF 89,118 Project Subtotal 318,897 G&A # (16.05% M&S & 30.35% Labor) 63,927 Project (incl. G&A) 382,824 Contingency (30%) 114,847 Total Cost 497,670 * Davis Bacon labor shows up as M&S # G&A rate will be lower on large POs
Fermilab May , 2005 Rich Stanek - Accelerator Advisory Committee9 PD Cost Drivers Cost Drivers are the Cryomodules, Civil Construction and Cryogenics Total = $319M (without G&A and contingency)
Fermilab May , 2005 Rich Stanek - Accelerator Advisory Committee10 PD Preliminary Schedule Technically Limited Proton Driver Schedule Part of R&D Plan (SMTF involvement) Assumed Project start (FY08)
Fermilab May , 2005 Rich Stanek - Accelerator Advisory Committee11 Cost/Schedule Assumptions Cost & Schedule are consistent –Both the cost and schedule will be more fully developed as the Resource Loaded Schedule is completed As is typical in large projects, some money is available early to allow purchase of long lead time items (CD3a) Adequate infrastructure exists (assembly and testing lines) at the start of the project to sustain the required CM production rates –Gradual ramp up in production rate from 1/month to 2/month –Note: The cost to initially set up the fabrication and testing facilities for CM assembly is assumed to be part of SMTF (not included in PD cost estimate) Cavities are available from vendors at a rate that is matched eventually to producing 2 cryomodules/month The R&D effort on Front End components and rf distribution is successful in verifying technical parameters of the PD design –PD will adopt existing designs whenever possible (JPARC, SNS, TTF…)
Fermilab May , 2005 Rich Stanek - Accelerator Advisory Committee12 PD Schedule Drivers PD Schedule is driven by –Production of cryomodules Acquiring cavities Processing and conditioning cavities and couplers Testing cavities (vertical and horizontal) String Assembly Cryomodule Assembly => Adequate and proven production infrastructure is essential in order to eliminate bottlenecks and allow maximum production rates (CAF) –Validate the design for the Front End and rf power distribution No exact counterpart with respect to some critical operating parameters => Test components and operating parameters with beam (HPTF) –Purchasing, installing & commissioning the cryoplant Long lead times and limited vendors Uncertainty in commissioning time => Pre-project action (design & early procurement) are required
Fermilab May , 2005 Rich Stanek - Accelerator Advisory Committee13 PD R&D Estimate (SMTF Proposal) Funds required to accomplish the R&D Plan for the Proton Driver are substantial ($16M in M&S in the SMTF proposal over 5 years) + the effort required to set up the CM fabrication infrastructure Completing all of this activity (on this time frame) would put the Proton Driver in an excellent position for a fast start to the project This level of funding is currently not supported in next year’s projected budgets and so some work will be delayed in order to concentrate on critical path items As R&D efforts for the PD roll off, the Proton Driver Project will ramp up. SMTF labor will be captured “on project” or shifted to other SCRF work The push to SCRF technology will involve a considerable commitment on the part of the Lab and the HEP community
Fermilab May , 2005 Rich Stanek - Accelerator Advisory Committee14 Labor Resources Accelerator, Particle Physics and Technical Divisions and the Facility Engineering Services Section are all actively engaged in Proton Driver work Approximate current labor resources AD => rf power, cryo, controls, utilities, beam transport/injection (~6 FTE) PPD => physics case, help on CM drawings (~7 FTE) TD => project mgm’t, spoke resonator and cavity/CM production, and front end systems (~10 FTE + subset of people working on Beta = 1 CM) FESS => all aspects of civil construction and layouts (~4 FTE) Total FTE/yr ~ 29 This will need to ramp up substantially as the Proton Driver moves closer to a project start date
Fermilab May , 2005 Rich Stanek - Accelerator Advisory Committee15 Conclusions Proton Driver is still in the early stages of the project planning process. An R&D Plan exists that addresses the outstanding technical issues and prepares the project for a fast start The present PD cost estimate establishes a reasonable range of values for the cost of a SC Linac at Fermilab and the initial schedule indicates a five year project is technically feasible provided adequate infrastructure is available at the beginning of the project Substantial investment must be made now, to develop the necessary infrastructure that will be used in construction of the Proton Driver (and other SCRF projects)