THE VIRGINIA DEFENSE FORCE Lafayette Brigade Department of Military Affairs Commonwealth of Virginia
OUR MISSION Homeland Defense Military Assistance to Civil Authorities Restoration of community integrity following disasters Military – Civil communication links Air Reconnaissance and Coordination
OUR MISSION Assist with the mobilization of Guard units Operate the armories of deployed Guard Units Assist with deployed Guards’ family care & family support plans Support local community celebrations as a training mode Limited physical security
Our Current Focus S E C U R I T Y Communications Triage
The VaDF … Is an all volunteer formal military organization Is open to persons age 16 to 64 Is subject to being activated only by the governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia Can be on active duty only within the state Admin/Personnel structure is analogous with the Army National Guard Members are insured by the State during drills and exercises
The VaDF. . . Brigade is structured similar to a light infantry division: 3 brigade headquarters with a security platoon 2 or 3 battalion headquarters per brigade with a security platoon 5 to 6 companies per battalion Is not a Federal Force nor can it be Federalized Is Under the direction of Governor Kaine, who is our Commander-in-Chief Training and Missions are determined by the State Adjutant General (Virginia National Guard) Members wear standard duty uniforms (Battle Dress Uniform – Woodland Green) during drills and exercises.
VaDF OBLIGATION One (1) Saturday per month (“Drill”) Two (2) weekend periods per fiscal year Spring: Brigade consolidated training – Camp Pendleton, Blackstone Fall: Division consolidated training – Fort Pickett, Virginia Beach
Governor & Adjutant General Virginia National Guard VaDF Division Structure Governor & Adjutant General Dept. Homeland Sec. Virginia National Guard VaDF Div. Division Training Command Lafayette Brigade Black Horse Brigade Highland Brigade
Maj. Gen. Robert B. Newman Jr. State Adjutant General & VaDF Members Maj. Gen. John D. Taylor Commander, VaDF
New VaDF Members swearing the Oath of Service
Matching VaDF Opportunities with Experience
Chaplain Signal Corps. Judge Advocate General Corps. Aviation Battalion Medical Corps. Public Affairs
Quartermaster Corps. Inspector General Chemical Military Police General Staff Branch Insignia
VaDF Aviation Battalion Orange, VA
Military Police A VaDF Security Force
Security Training
Communications Training
Communications Training Fort Pickett - 2006
Combined Fall FTX - Fort Pickett October 2006
Fall FTX Fort Pickett
“Virginians Helping Virginians” The VaDF is “Virginians Helping Virginians” Division Training Command Lafayette Brigade Black Horse Brigade Highland Brigade