SandWaveTowelSurf ShellSunburnBikiniSeaweed SplashSwimTideSeagull Flip- flops FreeFishBeach Boys
The site of 1000’s of questions and answers
What is
Updated Literature The Answer: Scarlett wins “Project Runway” with her fierce design of a dress made from green velvet curtains
What is Gone with the Wind?
Gardening The Answer: Ladies’ slippers, ladies’ tresses, and dragon’s mouth are examples of this exotic flower
What is an orchid?
Bodies of Water The Answer: This Asian “sea” is actually a lake that’s more than 4 ½ times larger than Lake Superior
What is the Caspian Sea?
Field Trip or Friend
“American Film Institute’s 100 Greatest Movies” Adam’s Rib – Airplane - American Graffiti Born Yesterday - Caddyshack - Field of Dreams - Groundhog Day - Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House Night at the Opera - Rear Window - Right Stuff - Some Like It Hot #1 – Citizen Kane
Pam Carlson Long Beach Public Library