Major omissions from this introduction to Software Engineering portability; more on modules; more on formal methods more on project management; ergonomics; specific problems & solutions for real-time; -- all available in later units.
INSE - Lecture 22 The Exam An unusual unit unusual exam Open-book exams A “ themed ” exam This year ’ s theme
Unusual unit unusual exam Most units on this course have some sort of “ practical ” content For INSE, that would take man- years –Students coming back from sandwich year often comment that it was the practical for this unit … Therefore the unit has a “ thought exercise ” exam
So what does this exam test? That you can apply “what you learned” –which depends on you having learned it fairly well (obvious?) but it’s an unusual sort of learning, including new skills of thinking about S.E. situations… so lets look at some learning theory...
“ Levels of learning ” then the experience/ create levels repeat creative “ doing ” thinking about the “ doing ” => experience straightforward “ doing ” understanding knowing (i.e. simple memory) the big variation between different units in the same year is mainly in the sort of “ doing ”
The “ doing ” in this unit is about … … organizing the whole S.E. process in general … and … seeing problems coming in particular situations, so you can pre-empt them
Therefore... … an exam with a “ themed scenario ” so we can have questions about some realistic situation; … the exam is more about creative and insightful ideas than about memory, therefore an “ open-book ” exam.
Open-book exams
You can bring into the exam... … “ any reasonable quantity of books, handouts, or personal notes ”. “ reasonable quantity ” means it will go on your exam desk - so the real limit is your own convenience.
Implications on your revision You know the exam is not going to be a simple memory test! –e.g. memorizing chunks of the books or the handout notes is pointless You know the exam is about understanding and creative insight –obviously, that builds on knowledge - then goes far beyond mere knowledge –so the key learning and revision is thinking about the subject, not memorizing
A “ themed scenario ” exam
A good theme... … will lead to possible questions in most of the material of the unit, but despite that … … inevitably, some parts of the unit will be obvious as likely question topics.
Capitalizing on knowing the theme As you revise … … bear in mind the theme and the implied issues … as you read a notes/book paragraph, THINK through the possible “quality vs excellence ” issues in it.
So when you arrive in the exam … there ’ s a good chance you ’ ll already have thought through some of the questions, or closely related issues; … for the other questions, you ’ ll have developed skills to think through those issues.
Merits of a themed exam: Students leaving the exam comment that they feel it exercised their abilities well; Revising for a themed exam develops the skill of analysing material from a specific point of view - students returning from sandwich comment that it was useful to have the start of that skill.
The web-site The unit web-site gives more detail of both the theme & the format of the exam past papers and actual student answers to them Reminder: the web-site is at
Tutorials next fortnight Past paper brainstorms With myself giving feedback on draft answers
Lecture+Tutorials week after next Revision! Bring (relevant?) questions to ask If there are no sensible questions, then the sessions become rather feeble If you don ’ t have questions, consider using your time better
After the exam When available, provisional results go on the website Anyone who doesn ’ t pass this time should look at the website about arrangements for support sessions
© C Lester
A last thought (especially if you ’ re going to do a sandwich year)
“ Co-operation ” - a key element of teamwork
© C Lester