Jamie, Eliza, Ellie, Emily
1953-Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh nationalized the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. Ready to make an oil deal with the Soviet Union. Also was against pro-American Shah in Iran. Allen Dulles (director of CIA under Eisenhower) sent agents to overthrow of Mossadegh. The Shah returned to power. 1951-The president of Guatemala, Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán, was elected with Communist support. Initiated a land reform project. 1954-Czechoslovakia (Communist) delivered arms to Guatemala CIA armed the Guatemalans and trained them at secret camps in Nicaragua and Honduras. Guzmán left office.
In order to stop the spread of communism President Eisenhower decided to use covert operations conducted by the CIA. Many operations took place in developing nations and nations with primarily agricultural economies. The leaders of these countries looked to Communists as a model of how to industrialize their countries. American officials were afraid that these leaders might stage a Communist revolution. To prevent this the US provided them with support such as financial aid.