Employer Insurance Solutions Presents: A way for Employers to provide Low Cost Benefits and Services for Employees at NO COST TO THE EMPLOYER!!
Employer Insurance Solutions Employer Insurance Solutions Agency has created a revolutionary website called “Employer Solution Center” for EMPLOYERS (small, medium, large = really, ANYONE) to use as a ‘one stop’ human resource assistance center. No Cost to the Employer Employee Benefits System!
Employer Insurance Solutions is “Your One Stop Human Resource Department Benefits and Service Source” is “Great for Employers who want to add more benefits and services to their existing, or non- existing benefits program!
“Employer Solution Center”
1. How will this website benefit you, the EMPLOYER? 2. How will this website benefit your employee(s)? AND 3. How does this website work?
“Employer Solution Center” How will this website benefit the EMPLOYER? It is no secret that in this economy, employers are looking for ways to enhance the programs they offer to employees, but the cost of doing so can many times prohibit companies from offering certain benefits and services to their employees. SAVE THIS WEBSITE IN YOUR FAVORITES CATEGORY AND USE DAILY! You will find many benefits and discounts for your employees! This website offers many Human Resource Source tools & tips, employment law sites, employee benefits, wellness programs, discounts, reward programs, etc.
“Employer Solution Center” How will this website benefit the EMPLOYER? Your office can use this site to book travel, order office supplies, order training material and uniforms, plan office functions, do background checks. This site is your one stop source to meet the needs of your daily functions.
“Employer Solution Center” How will this website benefit the EMPLOYER? Your office can use this site to recognize employees by using the Certificate Template and order Gift cards! Your HR staff can offer wellness programs and expand the benefits for your employees, and much, much more! Be creative!
“Employer Solution Center” How will this website benefit the EMPLOYER? a.) Some employers create a list of their benefits which announces to their employees benefits available to them. b.) You can use our template list to help you create or add to whatever you already offer. c.) You can use our ready made paycheck stuffers to announce monthly discounts and programs
“Employer Solution Center” d.) You can use our ready made Wellness Program power point presentations. Therefore, in answering, “How will this website benefit the EMPLOYER?” There is no limit to the power and potential of what you can do to expand the options for your employees and to show you care about their well-being! There is also no limit to how you can utilize this powerful tool to make your job more efficient.
“Employer Solution Center” “This is a great tool to make you increase retention and to offer much good to your employees in showing that you care!!! This is a fantastic website for Employers who want to add more benefits & services to their existing, or non-existing benefits program.”
“Employee Solution Center” How will this system benefit the EMPLOYEE? You have now learned that the employer has a “Master” website which you should save onto your FAVORITES and to use this website daily as a resource tool. You also have access to use a FREE website for EMPLOYEES to go to so that they can actually go to their own website to sign up for benefits and services!!!!
“Employee Solution Center”
We have learned that some employers provide to employees the website, for them to find and sign up for any benefit, discount or service they may need. OR Some employers prefer to have employees come to the office and they have a designated “benefits” person to sit down and assist the employee face to face by using this website to help them with their needs. IT IS UP TO YOU TO DESIGN YOUR PROGRAM TO FIT YOUR PHILOSOPHY AND NEEDS.
“Employee Solution Center” SO, How will this system benefit the EMPLOYEE? 1.) Employees will know that their employer cares about their needs. 2.) Employees will have options for low cost benefits and services. 3.) Employees can share these benefits and services with the family and friends, because you care! 4.) Statistics show that employees stay with their employer longer if they are “attached” because of what benefits and programs are offered to them.
“Employee Solution Center” AND, most of all, employees will feel their needs are being acknowledged by their employer.
Employer Insurance Solutions SO, How does this website system work? Just use it DAILY! Employer Insurance Solutions has found a system that works. If employers cannot fully pay for employee benefits and services, the next best thing is the offer employees tools and other options to better their lives! These are individual plans and benefits – they are not group plans and not payroll deducted.
Employer Insurance Solutions DON’T FORGET THESE ARE FREE to the public! SPREAD THE WORD! (which is a website for employers) (which is a website for employees)
Employer Insurance Solutions We would love to hear how you use this special website, what great programs you have implemented by using and what tips you have for other employers. SPREAD THE WORD! Please contact our website for feedback.
Employer Insurance Solutions DON’T FORGET THESE ARE FREE TOOLS and WEBSITES for the public! Please... SPREAD THE WORD! Thank you for watching this presentation. You may contact us on our website.
Employer Insurance Solutions End of presentation. Thank you.