By: Bianca Duong
Custom dressmakers make clothing according to the needs and requests of their customers. They work on tailored or shaped garments, such as coats and suits for men or women. Custom dressmakers usually work on women's garments, such as dresses and blouses. Most custom tailors and dressmakers work in small shops. Many have their own businesses. A few work from their homes.
Custom dressmakers first help their customers choose the kind and color of fabric they want and the style of the garment to be made. Custom dressmakers need to know all about the different kinds of fabrics and the latest styles. Sometimes they stock fabric in their shops. Otherwise they get it from another store or use fabric that the customer supplies.
Dressmakers take a customer's measurements and note any special figure considerations. They may work with a ready-made pattern or make one of their own. They place the pattern pieces on the fabric. Then they cut the fabric with shears along the pattern outlines. Custom dressmakers pin or baste the garment pieces together before doing the final sewing by hand or machine. They often use padding and stiff fabrics to add body and shape to the garment. They press the garment several times to shape it properly. The customer may try the garment on one or two times while it is being made to make sure that it fits properly. The custom dressmaker finishes the garment by hemming it, sewing on buttons and trim, and giving it a final pressing.
Dressmakers should have a high school education. However, retailers often place more emphasis on a person's previous experience in apparel manufacture, design, or alterations when making hiring decisions In high school it is helpful to take courses in tailoring and sewing, art, design, and business. Sewing clothing for oneself or for family members and friends will help to improve skills. Prospective tailors and dressmakers can continue training at a trade school or two-year college. They can also get on- the-job training in a custom tailoring or dressmaking shop, in a garment factory, or in a clothing or department store. There are some formal apprenticeship programs for tailors.
Salary for custom dressmakers vary widely, depending on experience, skill, and location. The median hourly wage is $10.79, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Workers for large employers may receive benefits that include child care and merchandise discounts. self-employed custom dressmakers and those who work for small shops usually provide their own benefits.
Custom dressmakers usually work in shops that are pleasant and well lighted. In many shops employees work forty to forty-eight hours a week. This sometimes includes Saturdays. Those who are union members often work thirty-five to forty hours a week. Custom dressmakers who have their own businesses often work longer hours. Sometimes they must rush to get orders ready on time. Spring and fall are usually the busiest times. Some dressmakers work part time. Custom dressmakers do much of their work sitting down. They must have good eyesight and work well with their hands. Successful custom dressmakers have a good sense of fit, color, and style. They should like detailed work. They must also be able to deal with customers who may be hard to please. Dressmaker.html