eCPIC v6.6 Release Guidance to use eCPIC for a Successful BY16 A-11 Submission August 28,
Slide 2 - Extended Help Desk Support Slide 4 - Updating the ITDB API URL Slide 7 - Agency IT Infrastructure Spending Data Slide 10 - Agency IT Portfolio Summary Validation/Submission Slide 15 - Major IT Business Case/Detail Validation/Submission Slide 19 - Managing XML Internal Business Logic Slide 21 - Wrap-Up BY16 A-11 Submission Preparation Guidance 1
BY16 Extended Help Desk Support Extended support for Agency IT Portfolio Summary submissions Monday, September 8 (6 AM – 12 AM) Extended support for Major IT Business Case submissions Thursday, September 11 (6 AM – 12 AM) Friday, September 12 (6 AM – 12 AM) 2
Slide 2 - Extended Help Desk Support Slide 4 - Updating the ITDB API URL Slide 7 - Agency IT Infrastructure Spending Data Slide 10 - Agency IT Portfolio Summary Validation/Submission Slide 15 - Major IT Business Case/Detail Validation/Submission Slide 19 - Managing XML Internal Business Logic Slide 21 - Wrap-Up BY16 A-11 Submission Preparation Guidance 3
Updating the ITDB API URL for Validations/Submissions The first step in preparing your agency’s environment for IT Dashboard data validation and submission is to update the ITDB API URL within the Admin Module. Go to App Config > Update ITDB Configuration. The URLs have been provided by OMB in recent communications, and can be found on the next slide. 4
Updating the ITDB API URL for Validations/Submission, Con’t Depending on the timing and specific activity that you are trying to conduct, you will need to adjust your ITDB API URL: Please ensure that you are using the correct API URL based on OMB’s guidance. Dates ITDB Environment Type of Validations/Submissions ITDB API URL Friday, August 29Test IT Dashboard Validations/Submissions (prior to OMB’s Patch) Saturday, August 30 – Sunday, September 7 Test IT Dashboard Validations/Submissions Monday, September 8Production IT Dashboard Agency IT Portfolio Validations/Submissions Tuesday, September 9 – Friday, September 12 Production IT Dashboard Major IT Business Case Validations/Submissions 5
Slide 2 - Extended Help Desk Support Slide 4 - Updating the ITDB API URL Slide 7 - Agency IT Infrastructure Spending Data Slide 10 - Agency IT Portfolio Summary Validation/Submission Slide 15 - Major IT Business Case/Detail Validation/Submission Slide 19 - Managing XML Internal Business Logic Slide 21 - Wrap-Up BY16 A-11 Submission Preparation Guidance 6
Agency IT Infrastructure Spending Data 7 Click the ‘Infra’ icon ( ) in the toolbar to edit the submission package’s Agency IT Infrastructure Spending. Agencies have 4 ways to populate the IT Infrastructure Spending data: After selecting a submission package, enter the aggregate Agency IT Infrastructure Spending information directly into the data fields on this page. 2.Use the ‘Browse’ and ‘Upload’ buttons to upload a previously- exported MS Excel file and import Agency IT Infrastructure Spending information into the data fields.
4.If Agency IT Infrastructure Spending data has been entered at the portfolio level, clicking will roll this data from all portfolios in the submission package, aggregating it and populating the Agency IT Infrastructure Spending fields accordingly. Agency IT Infrastructure Spending Data, Con’t 8 3.If Agency IT Infrastructure Spending data has been entered at the investment level, clicking will roll this data from all investments in the submission package, aggregating it and populating the Agency IT Infrastructure Spending fields accordingly. 3 4
Slide 2 - Extended Help Desk Support Slide 4 - Updating the ITDB API URL Slide 7 - Agency IT Infrastructure Spending Data Slide 10 - Agency IT Portfolio Summary Validation/Submission Slide 15 - Major IT Business Case/Detail Validation/Submission Slide 19 - Managing XML Internal Business Logic Slide 21 - Wrap-Up BY16 A-11 Submission Preparation Guidance 9
Create your BY16 A-11Submission Packages From the OMB Submission module, create your agency’s BY16 A-11 submission packages. 10
Validating the Agency IT Portfolio Summary To validate your Agency IT Portfolio Summary using the eCPIC internal business logic rules, (Step 1) Select ‘Generate’ from within the OMB submission package. (Step 2) Select ‘Validate Agency IT Portfolio’
Agency IT Portfolio Summary XML Validation The Agency IT Portfolio Summary validation will identify investment composition within your submission package, as well as the internal schema validation errors and warnings that exist. These validations should be run prior to IT Dashboard validations, to help ensure that your investment data is complete and accurate. 12
Agency IT Portfolio Summary IT Dashboard Validation Select the ‘Generate and Submit to ITDB’, to validate and submit your Agency IT Portfolio Summary to the IT Dashboard. 13 NOTE: The Agency IT Portfolio should be validated/submitted prior to validating/submitting the Agency Cloud Spending Summary and the Agency IT Infrastructure Spending Summary.
Slide 2 - Extended Help Desk Support Slide 4 - Updating the ITDB API URL Slide 7 - Agency IT Infrastructure Spending Data Slide 10 - Agency IT Portfolio Summary Validation/Submission Slide 15 - Major IT Business Case/Detail Validation/Submission Slide 19 - Managing XML Internal Business Logic Slide 21 - Wrap-Up BY16 A-11 Submission Preparation Guidance 14
Validating your BY16 A-11Submission Packages Select the investments you would like to validate against the internal XML business logic validations. Select the ‘XML’ icon to validate, then click the icons to the right of the investment to view any validation errors. These validations should be run prior to IT Dashboard validations, to help ensure that your investment data is complete and accurate. 15
Major IT Business Case/Detail IT Dashboard Validation Approximately 45 minutes after submitting your Agency IT Portfolio Summary data, you will be able to begin validating your Major IT Business Cases against the IT Dashboard. Navigate to the ‘Major IT Business Case’ tab and select the appropriate investments for validation. Validate your Major IT Business Case/Detail submission package against the IT Dashboard by selecting the ITDB icon in the top right portion of the screen: 16
Major IT Business Case/Detail IT Dashboard Validation Resolve submission errors for the selected investments. Once complete, submit your Major IT Business Case/Major IT Business Case Detail data to the IT Dashboard. A successful submission will return a verification message under the investment name alongside a green checkbox. NOTE: NEVER submit your Major IT Business Case to the Test IT Dashboard from your Production environment. It will re-populate incorrect OMB IDs back into your Production environment, causing additional re-work when actual submissions occur. 17
Slide 2 - Extended Help Desk Support Slide 4 - Updating the ITDB API URL Slide 7 - Agency IT Infrastructure Spending Data Slide 10 - Agency IT Portfolio Summary Validation/Submission Slide 15 - Major IT Business Case/Detail Validation/Submission Slide 19 - Managing XML Internal Business Logic Slide 21 - Wrap-Up BY16 A-11 Submission Preparation Guidance 18
Managing XML Internal eCPIC Business Logic For agencies that would like to remove specific internal eCPIC validation messages, Administrators can customize the XML internal business logic response within the Admin module. 19
Slide 2 - Extended Help Desk Support Slide 4 - Updating the ITDB API URL Slide 7 - Agency IT Infrastructure Spending Data Slide 10 - Agency IT Portfolio Summary Validation/Submission Slide 15 - Major IT Business Case/Detail Validation/Submission Slide 19 - Managing XML Internal Business Logic Slide 21 - Wrap-Up BY16 A-11 Submission Preparation Guidance 20
Questions? For additional eCPIC training materials, it is encouraged that you visit the eCPIC Resource Center (ERC) site, which is accessible at All of the eCPIC program training materials are located on this site. If you have any questions about any of the presented material or regarding the BY16 validation/process in general, please reach out to the eCPIC Help Desk at or