Cults and New Religious Movements Cults and New Religious Movements Case Study #7: Chen Tao
Introduction In March 1998; members of Chen Tao proclaimed that God would speak on Channel 18 Worldwide on March 25, 1998 at 12:01 A.M. U.S. Central Standard Time –Didn’t happen
Biography of Hon-Ming Chen Born in 1956 in Chai’i, Taiwan Was an atheist most of his life Reportedly a former social sciences professor
Social Characteristics About 30 followers remain out of the original 140 Highly educated –Translator, Richard Liu, is a former professor of American Literature –Many converts were doctors, engineers, and teachers Financially well off
Beliefs of the Group Chen Tao= True Way A syncretistic blend of Buddhism, Christianity, Taoism, Chinese beliefs, and the faith in UFOs. Believe that all life originates from the energy of God,who is one with the magnetic field of Void (Heaven) Ultimate concern: to become perfect souls attaining everlasting life in God’s magnetic field of the Void Believe in a coming apocalypse –Felt that God would come and take them away in UFOs to escape the nuclear war that would occur in 1999
Dualistic view of the world –Felt that many were demon possessed, especially in the Far East Eschew suicide Transmigration of the soul
Assessing the Potential for Violence Ultimate concern was saved by teacher Chen’s switch from a literal to a symbolic message Many members returned to Taiwan after having visa problems –About 40 followed Chen to Lockport NY Will Chen Tao resort to violence in the future? –Probably not as long as: »They do not feel persecuted »If internal stress is absent that might threaten the groups ultimate concern or Chen’s legitimacy