Laura Parra Biomedical Engineering The DEKA Arm Laura Parra Biomedical Engineering
Current Prosthetics Amputees are not satisfied with available technology. Factors of abandonment Proximal level of amputation Trans-radial 6% Trans-humeral 57% Shoulder disarticulation 60% Type of device Poor training Weight Cost of repairs Limited usefulness of device Discomfort
What is the DEKA Arm? Prosthetic arm Inclined towards veterans Funded by Department of Veteran Affairs and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) DEKA Integrated Solutions Available in three configurations: Radial, humeral, and shoulder Offers many firsts Office of Research & Development." DEKA Advanced Prosthetic Arm Gains FDA Approval. N.p., 19 May 2014. Web. 19 Oct. 2015.
How does it work? Two control methods Optional surgical procedure Targeted Reinnervation Reroute residual nerves of amputees to pectoral muscles When the person thinks of moving their arm, the signal travels to the nerve now connected to the chest. Chest muscles contract Contractions are sensed by electrodes in the chest, send signals to prosthetic arm, moving arm. 2. Foot Controls and tractors Non invasive Most popular method Resnik, Linda., Klinger, Shana L., Etter, Katherine. The DEKA Arm: Its features, functionality, and evolution during the Veterans Affairs Study to Optimize the DEKA Arm. Prosthetics and Orthotics International 38(6): 492-504, 2014.
How does it work? cont. Resnik, Linda., Latlief, Gail., Klinger, Shana., Sasson, Nicole., Walters, Lisa S. Do users want to receive a DEKA Arm and why? Overall findings afrom the Veterans Affairs Study to Optimize the DEKA Arm. Prosthetics and Orthotics International 38(6): 456-466, 2014
New Features Multiple powered joints and degrees of freedom Array of sensors and switches Wireless control Wrist and fingers adjust to six different grips: Power Tool Chuck Lateral pinch Fine pinch open Fine pinch closed Dents: adjust hand grip and then fix finger grip Resnik, Linda., Klinger, Shana L., Etter, Katherine. The DEKA Arm: Its features, functionality, and evolution during the Veterans Affairs Study to Optimize the DEKA Arm. Prosthetics and Orthotics International 38(6): 492-504, 2014.
Gen 2 vs. Gen 3 Adjustable brightness LED displays for grip Low battery Mode notification System faults Indicators for walk detect and over angle limit detect. Gen 2 SC Arm on socket/harness without and with sleeve Gen 3 SC on socket/harness Resnik, Linda., Latlief, Gail., Klinger, Shana., Sasson, Nicole., Walters, Lisa S. Do users want to receive a DEKA Arm and why? Overall findings afrom the Veterans Affairs Study to Optimize the DEKA Arm. Prosthetics and Orthotics International 38(6): 456-466, 2014
Study Report the overall desirability of the DEKA arm (2013) 24 upper-limb amputees fit with a Gen 2 DEKA Arm : included 8 radial configuration (RC) amputees, 7 humeral configuration (HC) amputees, and 9 shoulder configuration (SC) amputees. 13 upper limb amputees fit with a Gen 3 DEKA Arm: included 4 radial configuration (RC) amputees, 5 humeral configuration (HC) amputees, and 4 shoulder configuration (SC) amputees. Resnik, Linda., Latlief, Gail., Klinger, Shana., Sasson, Nicole., Walters, Lisa S. Do users want to receive a DEKA Arm and why? Overall findings from the Veterans Affairs Study to Optimize the DEKA Arm. Prosthetics and Orthotics International 38(6): 456-466, 2014
Discussion The DEKA arm enables greater independence and function. “It will make everyday activities better” “The functionality far surpasses anything that I’ve had so far” The DEKA arm was approved by the FDA in 2014.