-1- Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions HOW TO PARTICIPATE ? : FROM IDEA TO CONTRACT Peter Crawley Marie Curie Fellowships Unit D2
-2- Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions 1. Proposal preparation & submission 2. Evaluation 3. Negotiation & Contract FROM IDEA TO CONTRACT
-3- Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions Legal Framework 1: Framework Programme 1: Framework Programme 2: Rules for Participation 2: Rules for Participation 3: Specific Programme 3: Specific Programme 4: Work Programme 4: Work Programme 5: Contract 5: Contract
-4- Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions 1. PROPOSAL PREPARATION Call for Proposals (published 17th Dec) Call for Proposals (published 17th Dec) Guides for Proposers Guides for Proposers National Contact Point National Contact Point Commission helpdesk cec.eu.int) Commission helpdesk cec.eu.int)
-5- Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions 2. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION Call deadline Call deadline Paper / CD or diskette / electronic (Internet) Paper / CD or diskette / electronic (Internet) By post / by courier /by hand-delivery By post / by courier /by hand-delivery Eligibility check Eligibility check
-6- Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions 3. EVALUATION Expert selection (expert data base) Expert selection (expert data base) Invitation of experts Invitation of experts Individual evaluation (minimum 3 experts) Individual evaluation (minimum 3 experts) Consensus Consensus Panel Panel Commission ranks Commission ranks
-7- Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions 4. NEGOTIATION Start of negotiation process Start of negotiation process Contract Preparation Forms (CPF) Contract Preparation Forms (CPF) Scientific aspects Scientific aspects Administrative aspects Administrative aspects Financial aspects Financial aspects
-8- Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions 4. NEGOTIATION: contract Structure Structure Contents Contents New in FP6 New in FP6
-9- Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions 4. NEGOTIATION: costs For the benefit of the fellow: For the benefit of the fellow: Monthly allowance (Stipend or Salary), travel, mobility, career exploratory allowance, Contribution to the fellows costs of participation. Monthly allowance (Stipend or Salary), travel, mobility, career exploratory allowance, Contribution to the fellows costs of participation. For Host: For Host: Management and audit (real), central overheads, program expenses (real), networking (real), Management and audit (real), central overheads, program expenses (real), networking (real), Maximum ceilings for real cost items Maximum ceilings for real cost items Geographic weightings Geographic weightings
-10- Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions 5. CONTRACT Draft contract Draft contract Signature Signature Coming into force Coming into force Advance payment Advance payment Reporting & follow up Reporting & follow up
-11- Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie Actions November 2002Work Programme adopted 17 December 2002First calls published. From Spring 2003First deadlines. FP6: Time Scales