Process Improvement Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycle
“Problems breed problems, and the lack of a disciplined method of openly attacking them breeds more problems.” - Phil Crosby
Process Maturity Level All educational organizations carry out a complex range of processes in order to deliver learning and teaching. Most of us recognize that some of those processes could be improved but it is often difficult to know how to tackle the issues or what to work on first. It is helpful to know that, as processes are improved, there are four distinct maturity levels: 1. Reacting to problems. 2. Early systematic approach. 3. Aligned approach. 4. Integrated approach.
Process Maturity Level: Reacting to Problems Operations characterized by activities rather than by processes. Operations responsive to immediate needs or problems. Poorly defined goals. Goals
Process Maturity Level: Early Systematic Approach Organization at beginning stages of conducting operations by processes with repeatability, evaluation, and improvement. Some coordination among organizational units. Strategy and quantitative goals being defined. Goals
Process Maturity Level: Aligned Approach Operations characterized by processes that are repeatable and regularly evaluated for improvement. Shared learnings and coordination among organizational units. Processes address key strategies and goals. Goals
Process Maturity Level: Integrated Approach Operations characterized by processes that are repeatable and regularly evaluated for change and improvement in collaboration with other affected units. Efficiencies across units sought and achieved. Processes and measures track programs on key strategic and operational goals. Goals
Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycle
PDSA Details Plan Define the system. Assess current situation. Analyze causes. Do Try out improvement theory. Study Study the results. Act Standardize improvement Plan continuous improvement.
PDSA Details Cycle is repeated After Act phase, start planning and repeat process
When there is a problem, the great majority of the time, it originates in systems or processes rather than with people.
ACT PLAN STUDY DO Plan Continuous Improvement Define the System Standardize Improvement Study the Results Assess Current Situation Try Out Improvement Theory Analyze Causes
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