OSLC RM 22 nd June 2009 Workgroup meeting
OSLC RM Workgroup Introductions Objectives, approach, participation Proposal for V1.0 specification Activities beyond V1.0 Actions for next meeting
Introductions Steve Abrams Andrew Berner Gary Dang George DeCandio Brenda Ellis Rainer Ersch Ian Green Ken Jackson Andreas Keis Chris McGraw S. Ren David Ruiz Pratik Shah Dominic Tulley Randy Vogel Simon Wills
Objectives / Approach Address business challenges integrating with Requirements Management tools Scenarios express these challenges –Solicit, articulate, motivate, prioritize, review –Cross-workgroup awareness! Service specifications express solutions –Define, review, approve Implementations validate –Feedback on specification Humans validate –Feedback on scenarios, specifications, implementations
Focus Time-boxed activities –Sensitive to business realities & pressures Scoped –Pin-down scope appropriately Pragmatic –Address business challenges
Collaborating Wiki is our focus –Scenarios, specifications, other assets –Work-in-progress Bi-weekly calls –Perhaps tighter loops during certain phases Agenda and minutes on the wiki Face-to-face –Rational Software Conferences Other workgroups
Team roles Motivating and articulating topics Authoring Discussing Reviewing Implementing specifications, tests Evolving practices Update the wiki directly or contact Ian
Reaching agreement Ask workgroup to review wiki page(s) Add comments to wiki page –Eg. Discuss, propose changes –Perhaps outwith bi-weekly calls Final review to agree Time-boxed
Content Guidelines Scenarios –Stories, use-cases, text, diagrams, etc. Specifications –RESTful services Resource-centric Language neutral, stateless protocols –Emphasise “just enough” specification We will fail to build a “model of everything” Strive for loosely coupled, low-commitment information models –Adopt standard vocabularies –Notion of a representation is simple and powerful Other content?
Legalese Creative commons licence Patent Non-assert
Proposal for V1.0 Address C/ALM scenarios –Described on the Wiki Complements published CM V1.0 spec. From Rational perspective, implement in –Rational Requirements Composer –Rational DOORS
Proposed main scenario for V1.0 Define a “requirement set” –Create change requests to implement –Create test plan to validate Create test cases linked to each requirement Implement (build, deliver) execute tests Consume traceability –Test coverage –Implementation status
Proposal for V1.0 Focus on creation of traceability –(Defer consuming traceability.) Selection (identification) –requirements –requirement sets Creation of requirements Creation of links across lifecycle resources –Between requirements and requirement sets –Means of distinguishing between those links
Proposal for V1.0 Proposed timetable for V1.0 –Agree scope by 6 th July –First draft of specification 10 th July –Review and revise 10 th July – 7 th August –Enter stabilization 14th August Convergence –Final Spec. 11th September
Efforts towards V2.0 Timescales Scenarios –Tagging, glossaries –Reporting (data warehousing) –Systems PDM & PLM scenarios –Requirements Change Management –Traceability reporting & consuming “Suspicion” – change tracking etc. Impact & trace analysis Justification arguments –Modelling Analysis of requirements & other information Decomposition and refinement of requirements Construction of justification arguments –Product-line engineering (feature models, variability)
Questions? AOB?
Draft: Actions from 22 June 2009 Next bi-weekly call 6 th July Finalise C/ALM scenarios by 6 th July –Reviewers: –Intermediate call w/o 29 th July? Work on spec. draft –Contributor: Ian Contribute & discuss V2.0 scenarios Timescales for V2.0