Game Maker
Got Game? Platforms Consoles/Cell Phones PC Classifications CoreHalo, Call of Duty CasualChess, Tetris SeriousMedical, Educational, Military
Gaming Platforms Console Standard OS Game Pad Interface Licensing, Royalties PC Minimum Requirements Keyboard, Mouse, Game Pad Freeware, Shareware, Independent License
Gaming Genres Action Quake, Halo, Wii Sport “Twitch” games often rely on eye/hand coordination. They are usually fast paced and winning is based on the player’s reflexes. Strategy Starcraft, Age of Empires, Pandemic Emphasizes logical thinking and strategic resource planning. Winning is based on critical decision making. Many are played by taking turns.
Gaming Genres Adventure Mist, Raven, Final Fantasy Action with a story-line and puzzle solving. Winning takes action and inventory management. Role Playing Games (RPGS) WoW, Guildwars Adventure with more reliance on character growth and development. There is Strategy because of some combat and management of reported statistics. Huge epic quests and fantasy with non-playing characters (NPC) are common.
Gaming Genres Sports NFL, Links, Nascar Although realism is the goal of the game, fantasy is no exception. Single or team players (networked) give instructions or direct manipulation. Simulations Sim City, The Sims “God-games” where gamers build and manage cities, civilizations, traffic, etc. through realistic recreations of processes in the civil, animal or mechanical world
Gaming Genres Music/Aerobic Dance Revolution Played using one’s feet stomping options on a dance mat. Puzzle/Classis Solitaire, Chess, Tetris Casual games of leisure derived mostly from board, cards, trivia or tile games. Very profitable on cell phones.
Playing Perspectives First Person Deer Hunter, Halo(1 st person shooter) Third Person Tomb Raider Facade
Playing Perspectives Top Down Solitaire Isometric Sim City Flat, Side View Mario, Sonic Text-based Zork
Game Development Disciplines Programmer AI, Physics, Engine, etc. Art and Animation Character, Scene, etc. Game Design Game, Level, Writer Production Managers, Directors Quality Assurance non-tech Beta-testers Audio Engineers, Composers, Musicians Business and Legal Accountants, Lawyers
Making the Game Pre-production Begin with a story Story boarding World, Levels, Outcomes Creating the Character Putting the Character in motion/UI Designing Scenes Code Post Production Marketing
Sage Advice for “Indies” Remember: Game Play, Game Play, Game Play Be a devoted gamer. Study games. Innovate. Learn to write, learn to draw, otherwise, hire someone who does. Learn the process. Write lots of small games to start with. No bugs!
Sage Advice for “Indies” Have fun doing it. Get excited about your work. Get inspiration from everywhere, novels, movies, books, history, etc. Make levels rich in possibilities. Get the player lost in the game. Try to retain ownership of your work.
Sage Advice for “Indies” Make crystal clear specs/design document. Know the limits of your platform. Never give up, patience is the key. Pay for professional voice talent. Excite everyone to your game with a 5 minute talk and a 1 page sell sheet. Work with a tight well-balanced team.
Incentives $16.7 Billion Video Game sales for 2005 Emerging Market: Cell Phones 180,000,000 units sold in Tetris and Bejeweled are in 30+% of all cell phones. Each earns over $60,000,000 a year in royalties. Casual 2D. Addicting game play is the key. Create your demo using Game Maker.
U.S. Sales
Incentives Untapped Market: “Chick” Games Estimated at 2x the Death and Destruction market. $32 Billion per year. Unlimited Market: Serious Games Custom order. Client advances capital. Expanded definition of “gaming” in architectural, medical, military, educational, legal, commerce, etc.
Got Game? GENRESPERSPECTIVES ActionFirst Person StrategyThird Person AdventureTop Down Role PlayingIsometric SportsFlat, Side View SimulationsText Based Music Aerobic Puzzle/Classic
What is Gamemaker? Game Engine Free game engine available at yoyogames Simple interface Object oriented Graphical user interface (menu driven) Primarily 2D with 3D extensions
Other Free Game Engines Alice Panda 3D RPG Toolkit Adventure Game Studio