Media, Technology, and Learning Throughout history, media and technology have influenced education. The teacher, however, makes the difference in the integration of media and technology into this process.
Learning Is the development of new knowledge, skills or attitudes as an individual interacts with information and the environment. –Psychological Perspectives on Learning –Behaviorist Perspective –Cognitivist Perspective Schemata- individuals whom organize their perceived environment. Assimilation- learner integrates new information and experiences Accommodation- process of modifying existing schemata or creating new ones
Constructivist Perspective Social-Psychological Perspective
Approaches to Instruction Instruction is the arrangement of information and environment to facilitate learning. By environment we mean not only where instruction takes place but also the methods, media, and technology needed to convey information and guide the learner’s study.
Finding a Middle Ground Active participation Practice Individual differences Realistic contexts Social interaction
A Philosophical Perspective on Learning A. A college lecture with or no interaction between the professor and the students B. A course consisting of a required series of computer-based lessons C. Similar to sample B, but students select the topic of study based on their interests and consultation with an instructor. D. A group meets on a regular basis to discuss common reading assignments
Media A medium (plural,media) is channel of communication. The Concrete-Abstract Continuum
The Roles of Media in Learning –Instructor-Directed Instruction (most common use) –Instructor-Independent Instruction(when teacher is not available) –Media Portfolios –Electronic Portfolios –Thematic Instruction –Distance Education –Education for Exceptional Students
Methods Ten Method Categories Presentation, Demonstration, Discussion, Drill-and-Practice, Tutorial Cooperative Learning, Gaming, Simulation, Discovery and Problem Solving.
Technology The word technology has always had a variety of connotations, ranging from mere hardware to a way of solving problems. The effective use of media demands that instructors be better organized in advance, think through their objectives alter the everyday classroom routine.