“Bridging the virtual and live environments to validate a scenario, certify leaders, and rehearse events through ‘ruthless repetition’ under varied conditions establishes proficiency” -COL Michael A. Getchell, CDR, 4-2 SBCT 1
AS of 21 July 2011 UNCLASSIFIED Mission Command Training Capability = Training America’s Warriors 2
AS of 21 July 2011 UNCLASSIFIED Mission Command Training Capability = Training America’s Warriors Training Benefits Full Spectrum Operations Joint Operations Combat Multipliers Replicate Battlefield Effects Expanded Areas of Operation Multi-echelon Distributed Exercise Training Benefits Full Spectrum Operations Joint Operations Combat Multipliers Replicate Battlefield Effects Expanded Areas of Operation Multi-echelon Distributed Exercise JBLM SCLA Camp Pendleton 29 Palms Yakima 5-20 IN (Leshi MOUT) 1-37 FA Ft. Gordon Hub 3/2 SBCT TAC x 2-3 IN BSB 296 BSB 1-14 CAV CPN Commercial VSAT CPN 1-23 IN TAC CPN Commercial VSAT Commercial VSAT 1-23 IN (LFX) 1 st Tank BN USMC (Infantry Immersion Trainer) 1-23 IN (Force on Force) 3/2 SBCT TOC (Gravel MSTF) x JNN JTEN 1-23 IN TOC (-) BCTC (Replicated) 1-23IN rotated each company through Camp Pendleton. While the Company was at Pendleton, One PLT would be in VBS2; one PLT in IIT; one PLT in rehearsal. One company at SCLA conducting force on force, and one company at 29 Palms conducting LFX. (VBS2) 1-23 IN (Rehearsals) 1-23 IN VBS2 PLT carried BLUE SA all the way to BDE TOC T1 NIPR SIPR DSN JTEN TFOCA FM & FBCB2/ FTI XX 3 Legend
AS of 21 July 2011 UNCLASSIFIED Mission Command Training Capability = Training America’s Warriors
AS of 21 July 2011 UNCLASSIFIED Mission Command Training Capability = Training America’s Warriors …Scheme of Fires …Scheme of Maneuver …Triggers …Observer Plan …Maneuver and Fire Boxes for CALFEX 5
AS of 21 July 2011 UNCLASSIFIED Mission Command Training Capability = Training America’s Warriors Another Approach to Blended Training Environments Virtual to Live or Live to Virtual “Tomahawk Trials” Bn L-C+G Distributed YTC V-FCX (Offense) Co. x V-STX (Offense) Bn Attack Bn L-V-C +G Army LVC-IA fielding Army HITS fielding “Arrowhead Shock” SBCT L-C+G + USMC Distributed CA & WA (3-2 SBCT) 2009 Platoon in Gaming & Co. L-V+G Army SECORE Terrain fielding SBCT Full Use Cases (YTC & JBLM) 2008 Air-Ground Integration Co Ldrs & Avn Crews Gaming “Leaders Centric Bn Attack” Bn L-C+G “Leaders Centric Bn Attack” Bn L-C+G CO = Live CO = Gaming CO = Constructive Select Units = Virtual (AVN, LOG, FA) TBD Co. V-STX (Defense) Co. x12 I Corps key principles for enabling SBCT & below Training: Responsiveness to unit Commander’s Mission driven needs. Relevant, realistic and highly usable Home-station scenarios/event conditions. Event correlation around the LIVE environment JBLM & YTC Terrain - Always! Train & certify unit formation leaders, early and creatively. Leverage L-V-C+G to establish proficiency through “Ruthless Repetition” under varied conditions (under-pin BCT ‘how we fight’ learning and creating initial collective competencies) Training support to Unit tactical Networks - low cost, high-payoff investments 6 2