The Neolithic Revolution Progression Or Regression?
Fundamental Resources What are the two fundamental resources required for life on earth?
Hunting and Gathering How do hunters and gatherers relate to their environment? How do hunters and gatherers relate to each other? How do hunters and gatherers relate to outsiders?
Pastoralism What are the main characteristics of pastoralism?
Domestication What are the four most used food crops? In how many different places were various crops domesticated? In how many different places were various animals domesticated? Why was there a shift from foraging to agriculture?
Agriculture Why did agriculture arise as a way of life? What major changes in lifestyle does an agricultural way of life require? What are some of the advantages of the agricultural way of life? What are some of the disadvantages of the agricultural way of life? Why does an agricultural way of life require more discipline and less freedom than a hunting and gathering one?
Progress of Regress? What is the progressivist view of history? What are the advantages of the hunting and gathering mode of production? What are the disadvantages of the agricultural mode of life? Why was there a shift to agriculture? Was the development of agriculture a step forward or a step backward for humanity?