Neolithic People were different from Paleolithic People because they would: S.E.T.T.L.E.
S ettled into permanent locations
E ven animals are domesticated Horses, dogs, goats, sheep, and oxen were the first animals to be domesticated.
T he creation of pottery Why would people in the Neolithic Era develop pottery? How could the creation of pottery be valuable for historians?
T ools become more advanced What factors may lead Neolithic people to develop more advanced tools? OLDOWAN TOOLS (Ethiopia)(left to right): end chopper, heavy-duty scraper, spheroid hammer stone (Olduvai Gorge); flake chopper (Gadeb); bone point, horn core tool or digger (Swartkrans).
L earned to cultivate the land (agriculture) This is critical because now the nomads could have food wherever they wanted! The first foods were wheat and cereals in the Middle East, rice in Asia, and corn in the Americas. stories/Oldcivilization/Egyptology/LifeAncient/bo unty12.jpg
E nd of Paleolithic Era = Neolithic Revolution Neolithic Revolution is also known as the first Agricultural Revolution.
Reflection List 2 positive and 2 negative changes that will occur from shifting from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic Era.