Waterways Forward * * * Launch Conference March 2010, The Hague, Netherlands Delft, 12 February 2010
Content I. The public event (Day 1) II. The partner’s meeting (Day 2)
I. The Public event (Day 1) Agenda Day 1 Objectives
Agenda Day 1 Public event/External Project Communication Press conference Site-visit Key-note speakers of regional & local and EU levels (national politicians, MEP, European Coordinator for Inland Waterways, experts) on: –Regional inland waterways from a European perspective / multifunctional use of waterways –Challenges for regional waterways in Europe –Impact of EU regional policies on inland and regional waterways taking into account the Lisbon & Gothenburg perspectives and future funding perspectives
Objectives Promotion & events aimed at: presenting the WF Project start-up to a wider audience External stakeholders: politicians of local, regional, national & EU level, Business community, Waterway users General public stimulating wider awareness of the role of the EU
II. The partner’s meeting (Day 2) Waterways Project bodies’ internal meetings Steering commitee (SC) Working Group (WG)
SC meeting SC meets to approve Waterways Project documents –Rules of Procedures of SC –Project Implementation Plan –Procedures and Financial Handbook –Communication and Publicity Plan The Partnership Agreement is presented
WG meeting Partner presentations Guidelines for the regional analysis Guidelines for functioning of the Thematic Groups Next steps of project implementation
Thank you for your attention!