FAO Second Regional Workshop on Rice & Aquaculture for Productivity Increase and Market Development SUMMARY REPORT OF THE NATIONAL WORKSHOP-ZAMBIA (Aquaculture) 13th to 17th April 2009, Kampala, UGANDA. Presented By: Christian Chomba Principal Policy Analyst Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MACO), Zambia.
Introduction Following the first Regional Workshop on Rice and Aquaculture for Productivity Increase and Market Development in East Africa held in Kampala, Uganda from 3 rd -7 th November 2008, as per recommendation, A Zambian national workshop was held from 18 th to 19 th March 2009, in Lusaka. 18 Participants attended the National Workshop from the public and private sectors, including NGOs.Participants April nd FAO’s Regional Workshop on Rice & Aquaculture-Uganda
Introduction (cont.) Presentations (7) from: – Ministry of Agriculture & Cooperatives (MACO) – Aquaculture Farmers – Citizen Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC) – Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV) National Workshop concluded with recommendations on Aquaculture in same pattern as the Regional Workshop i.e. in three (3) parts: To Government To FAO, and The Project April 20092nd FAO’s Regional Workshop on Rice & Aquaculture-Uganda3
Workshop Objectives 1.To share the outcome of the first Regional Workshop (November, 2008-Uganda), particularly recommendations and conclusions; 2.To identify and discuss with key stakeholders issues pertaining to the achievement of the Project’s objectives and specific national issues for Project support; & 3.To come up with and agree on issues for presentation at the next Regional Workshop (April, 2009-Uganda) April nd FAO’s Regional Workshop on Rice & Aquaculture-Uganda
Workshop Presentations (Details in Word Document Report) 1.Summary Recommendations of 1 st Regional Workshop [3-7 Nov 08, Uganda] (C. Chomba-MACO-PPD) 2.Aquaculture Development in Zambia (L. Kalumba- MACO-Fisheries) 3.Presentation from Aquaculture Farmers (Farmers’ Representative) 4.Market Access/Trade (D. Mundia-MACO-ABM) 5.SNV (Representative from SNV) 6.Citizen Economic Empowerment Commission (J. Mwamba-CEEC); and 7.Policy Issues-Aquaculture (C. Chomba-MACO-PPD) April nd FAO’s Regional Workshop on Rice & Aquaculture-Uganda 5
Recommendations-Govt i.Enhance implementation of the National Aquaculture Development Strategy (NADS) - developed in ii.Encourage and support private commercial aquaculture enterprises. iii.Revamp existing infrastructure in Aquaculture Training and Promotion Centres. iv.Strengthen research and extension systems to develop aquaculture v.Establish Standards and Certification Units for fish feed and seed. vi.Facilitate access for fish feed and seed April nd FAO’s Regional Workshop on Rice & Aquaculture-Uganda
Recommendations-FAO i.Provide technical support, especially in the implementation of NADS. ii.Assist in capacity building of government staff, farmers, support services and other stakeholders ( need a TCP Proposal). iii.Facilitate institutional networks for aquaculture development & resource mobilisation. iv.Assist in establishment of systems for collecting statistics on aquaculture April nd FAO’s Regional Workshop on Rice & Aquaculture-Uganda
Recommendations-Project i.Provide capacity building and assist in the holding of Provincial workshops for elaboration of NADS. ii.Provide technical support on Integrated Irrigation Aquaculture (IIA). iii.Assist in addressing constraints to fish seed and feed production e.g. through hands-on training. iv.Facilitate exchange of experience and technology transfer within and outside Africa (especially with ASEAN countries). v.Establish regional Aquaculture centre, equipped with laboratory and training facilities April nd FAO’s Regional Workshop on Rice & Aquaculture-Uganda
13-17 April nd FAO’s Regional Workshop on Rice & Aquaculture-Uganda 9 THANK YOU! MERCI!