Graphics Graphics Korea University 1 Applying Actions 강 신 진
CGVR Graphics Korea University 2 Inventor Actions General Model Applying an Action Rendering Calculating a Bounding Box Accumulating a Transformation Matrix Writing to a File Searching for a Node Picking Contents
CGVR Graphics Korea University 3 Inventor Actions Available Action List Using This ActionYou Can Perform This Task SoGetBoundingBoxActionCompute a 3D bounding box SoGetMatrixAcionCompute a transformation matrix SoWriteActionWrite Scene graph to a file SoSearchActionSearch for paths to specific nodes SoHandleEventActionAllow object to handle an event SoRayPickActionPick object in the scene graph along a ray SoCallBackActionTraverse the scene graph and perform your own action using callback function SoGLRenderAction Draw, or render, the scene graph
CGVR Graphics Korea University 4 General Model Initialize the action SbViewportRegion region(300, 200); SoGLRenderAction renderAction(region); Set up special parameters for the action SoGLRenderAction renderAction(region, TRUE); Apply the action to a node renderAction->apply(root) Obtain the result of the action, if possible
CGVR Graphics Korea University 5 Applying an Action Action Application Node Path Path list Traversal state Internal class to store transient state elements Inventor database management
CGVR Graphics Korea University 6 Rendering - Execution Execution of SoGLRenderAction If the node is a group >>Visit each children If the node is a property group >>Replace a value of traversal state If the node is derived from SoTransformation >>Modify the current transformation If the node is shape node >>Draw shape using the current element
CGVR Graphics Korea University 7 Rendering - Transparency Setting the Transparency Quality setTransparencyType() Transparency Levels SCREEN_DOOR ADD DELAYED_ADD SORTED_OBJECT_ADD BLEND DELAYED_BLEND SORTED_OBJECT_BLEND
CGVR Graphics Korea University 8 Rendering - Antialiasing 2 Types of Antialiasing Smoothing Using the Accumulation Buffer Smoothing SoGLRenderAction :: setSmoothing(SbBool smooth) Accumulation Buffer SoGLRenderAction :: setNumPasses(int num)
CGVR Graphics Korea University 9 Rendering - Off-screen Rendering SoOffScreenRenderer Class Render an image into off-screen memory buffer To generate image for a PostScript printer To generate image for a Texture map SoOffScreenRenderer :: SetComponent(Components components) LUMIANCE LUMIANCE_TRANSPARENCY RGB RGB_TRANSPARENCY
CGVR Graphics Korea University 10 Rendering - Source TEXTURE MAPPING SbBool generateTextureMap (SoNode *root, SoTexture2 *texture, short textureWidth, short textureHeight) { SbViewportRegion myViewport(textureWidth, textureHeight); // Render the scene SoOffscreenRenderer *myRenderer = new SoOffscreenRenderer(myViewport); myRenderer->setBackgroundColor(SbColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)); if (!myRenderer->render(root)) { delete myRenderer; return FALSE; } // Generate the texture texture->image.setValue(SbVec2s(textureWidth, textureHeight), SoOffscreenRenderer::RGB, myRenderer->getBuffer()); delete myRenderer; return TRUE; }
CGVR Graphics Korea University 11 Rendering - Caching Saving of an operation Don’t need to traverse the scene graph every time SoSeparator node has 2 field for caching render caching: renderCaching(SoSFEnum) bounding-box caching boundingBoxCaching(SoSFEnum) SoSFEnum => AUTO, ON, OFF How Caching Working Check a valid cache existence Ignore below scene graph and use cache(if C exists)
CGVR Graphics Korea University 12 Calculating a Bounding Box Create an instance of the action sbViewportRegion vpReg; vpReg.setWindowSize(300, 200); SoGetBoundingBoxAction bboxAction(vpReg); Apply the Action bboxAction.apply(root); Obtain Result SoTransform *myTransform; myTransform->center = bboxAction.getCenter();
CGVR Graphics Korea University 13 Accumulating a Transformation Matrix Create an instance of the action soGetMatrixAction mtxAction Apply the Action getMatrix() getInverse()
CGVR Graphics Korea University 14 Writing to a File SoWriteAction class is used SoWriteAction myAction; Writing in binary with file pointer FILE *fp; myAction.getOutput()->setBinary(TRUE); myAction.getOutput()->setFilePointer(fp); myAction.apply(root); Writing in ASCII myAction.getOutput()->openFile(“file.iv”); myAciton.getOutput()->setBinary(FALSE); myAction.apply(root); myAction.getOutput()->closeFile();
CGVR Graphics Korea University 15 Searching for a Node Example SoSearchAction mySearchAction mySearchAction.setType(SoLight::getClassTrypeId()); mySearchAction.setInterest (SoSearchAction::FIRST); mySearchAction.apply(root); If(mySearchAction.getPath() == NULL){ SoDirectionLight *myLight = new SoDirectionalLight; root->insertChild(myLight, 0); }
CGVR Graphics Korea University 16 Picking –1 SoRayPickAction is used Find objects along a ray from the camera
CGVR Graphics Korea University 17 Picking – 2 Specifying the Picking Ray SbViewportRegion viewport(400, 300); SbVec2s cursorPosition(250, 150); SoRayPickAction myPickAction(viewport); myPickAction.setRay(SbVec3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), //starting point SbVec3f(0.0, 0.0, -1.0)); //direction vector pickAction->apply(rootNode); Obtain result SoPath *pathToPickObject; Const SoPickPoint *myPickedPoint = pickAction.getPickedPoint(); If(myPickedPoint != NULL) pathToPickedobject = myPickedPoint->getPath();
CGVR Graphics Korea University 18 Picking – 2 SoDetail Have an additional information about the pick Classes that store an SoDetail Class nameType of detail added SoCubeSoCubeDetail SoCylinderSoCylinderDetail SoPointSetSoPointDetail SoConeSoConeDetail
CGVR Graphics Korea University 19 Using the Pick Action Writing the path to the Picked Object SbBool writePickedPath (SoNode *root, const SbViewportRegion &viewport, const SbVec2s &cursorPosition) { SoRayPickAction PickAction(viewport); PickAction.setPoint(cursorPosition); PickAction.setRadius(8.0); PickAction.apply(root); const SoPickedPoint *myPickedPoint = pickAction.getPickedPoint(); If(myPickedPoint == NULL) return FALSE; SoWriteAction myWriteAction; myWrtieAction.apply(myPickedPoint->getpath()); return TRUE; }
CGVR Graphics Korea University 20 Calling Back to the Application SoCallbackAction Method which is called whenever a specified node encountered during the traversal Void printSpheres(SoNode *root) { SoCallbackAction myAction; myAction.addPreCallback(SoSphere::getClassTypeId(), printHeaderCallback, NULL); myAction.addTriangleCallback(SoSphere::getClassTypeId(), printTriangleCallback, NULL); myAction.apply(root); }