Government functions in the Economy Stabilize the economy Provide Public Goods Regulation of Business, Labor, Agriculture Redistribute Income…Entitlements Maintain a legal and social framework Tax and Spend
Government Regulation The U.S. government regulates business, labor, and agriculture
Consumer Protection Government intervenes in the marketplace to guard public health by: Setting manufacturing standards Conducting laboratory tests on food, medicine and other products Providing consumer information about these products
Public Disclosure Laws Require companies to give consumers full information about their products Consumers use this information to protect themselves from dangerous products and fraudulent claims
Consumer Protection - Regulatory Agencies Food and Drug Administration Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Federal Trade Commission Securities and Exchange Commission
Federal Communications Commission Environmental Protection Agency Ralph Nader - “Unsafe at any Speed”
Labor Occupational Safety and Health Act (1970) Set safety and health standards for workers
Regulation of Labor Unions
BUSINESS Anti-Trust Acts
Business TTTTrade Agreements NNNNAFTA - North American Free Trade Agreement BBBBailouts – AIG; GM