Creating bibliographic records from templates Click on New icon or Record>New>Bibliographic When Select Bibliographic template dialog box opens double click on desired template. Fill in the template with desired fields. Click on Save to DB icon Click on New Hldgs icon –Enter location, call number and any holdings information. –Adjust Leader and 008. Click on Save to DB icon Click on New Items icon –Scan or type a barcode number –Enter any enumeration or chronology information. Click on Save to DB icon Click on Hierarchy icon –Review created bibliographic, holdings and item records
Basic editing - fixed fields Apply to bibliographic and holdings records LEADER Click on the Leader button, a dialog box displays. Click on a line in the white area to activate, key in the value if known, or select from the pull down menu Click again to close the menu and click OK at the bottom of the Leader window 008 Click on the 008 button, a 008 general description (with formats) box displays To change a value, click on a line in the white section to activate. Type in the value if known, or select from the pull down menu, except dates which are keyed in Click OK to close window
Basic editing - variable fields Apply to bibliographic and holdings records To replace text - select by highlighting and type new text To select a word - double click on the word To select a phrase - click and hold, dragging the mouse over the phrase To select a field - click in the selection column –Right click to delete, cut, copy or paste field To move text - after selecting the text use Edit>Cut, Edit>Copy, Edit>Paste or keyboard equivalents of these commands To enter a MARC tag - press F2 to see a table of valid values To create delimiter symbol - press F9 To insert field before another field - press F3 To insert field after another field - press F4 To reorder fields - select a field by clicking in the selection column and using the right mouse menu move the field up or down.