Science Test Study Guide Chapter 5 The Nonliving Environment.


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Presentation transcript:

Science Test Study Guide Chapter 5 The Nonliving Environment

What do you know about the Following?  Latitude  Elevation  Climate  Producers  Nitrogen fixation  Biotic factors  Abiotic factors  Atmosphere  Respiration  Fertilizers  Air  Sugar  Water  Consumers  Weather  Nitrogen  Photosynthesis  Energy

Essay/Short Answer What are the differences between abiotic factors and biotic factors? Give examples of both. Review the “Cycles in Nature” (Water, Nitrogen, and Carbon)

Carbon Cycle  How do the following terms fit into the carbon cycle? Photosynthesis Sugar Oxygen Respiration

Essay 1. Which abiotic factors determine what lives in an environment? 2. Explain how elevation affects temperature. 3. Explain the steps of a food chain. Use examples for each level. 4. Discuss 2 ways CO 2 can be dispensed into the atmosphere. 5. Explain how the process of respiration is important to life processes.