Election of 1856 Search for “Kansas-less” candidates Republicans (new party) pick John C. Fremont PLATFORM: No further extension of slavery Democrats pick James Buchanan PLATFORM: Popular sovereignty in territories American/Nativists pick ex-Pres. Fillmore PLATFORM: anti-Catholic, anti-immigrant RESULT: Buchanan wins, Democrats are split N & S See
Violence in the Senate Charles Sumner, abolitionist senator, delivers speech entitled “The Crime Against Kansas,” attacking slavery and Southern Senators. Sumner is attacked by Preston Brooks on Senate Floor and beaten with a cane. Sumner suffers severe head injuries and is unable to serve in Senate for 3 years. N & S split in reaction to event. “First blows” of Civil War.
Lincoln Clean-shaven at the time of his famous debates with Douglas, Lincoln would soon grow a beard to give himself a more distinguished appearance. (Library of Congress) Lincoln Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Lincoln-Douglas Debates What was the debate about? Who was the winner? Who was the looser? What was the long-term impact of the debate?
Stephen Douglas Democratic Senator of Illinois “I hold that under the Constitution of the United States each state of this Union has a right to do as it pleases on the subject of slavery. In Illinois we have exercised that right by abolishing slavery….It is non of our business whether slavery exists in Missouri. Hence I do not choose to occupy the time allotted to me in discussing a question that we have no right to act upon.” Lincoln-Douglas debates, 1858
Lincoln-Douglas Debates Stephen Douglas and Abe Lincoln run for same Senate seat for Illinois. Lincoln challenges Douglas to 7 open-air debates. KEY ISSUE: slavery in the territories Douglas = popular sovereignty should decide the issue (slavery will loose and whither away) Lincoln = slavery will not wither away, but must be stopped from spreading. Lincoln points out that popular sovereignty made irrelevant by Dred Scott v. Sanford. Douglas counters with Freeport Doctrine, suggests that states/people can “work around” or ignore the ruling.
John Brown and Harpers Ferry October 16, 1859 – John Brown and 18 men attempt to seize the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry. Their intent = start a slave rebellion in Virginia. They fail. Stopped by local militia and Col. Robert E. Lee’s US marines. Brown is tried for treason in a VA court and hung on Dec. 2, Brown becomes a martyr to Northern Abolitionists. South believes Northern abolitionists are trying to start slave rebellions. More talk of secession.
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John Brown ( ) was an abolitionist who took direct action to free slaves by force. Following his raid on the arsenal at Harpers Ferry, in mid-October 1859, he was convicted of treason, conspiracy, and murder. One of the most controversial abolitionists, Brown was regarded by some as a martyr and by others as a common assassin. … Ralph Waldo Emerson said that Brown's death would "make the gallows as glorious as the cross." This image shows a heroic Brown … as he walks to his execution on December 2, John Brown, The Martyr New York: Currier and Ives, m007.html#jbrown
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