Provincial Assessment Results Anglophone West School District November 26, 2015
Large Scale Assessments LITERACY ASSESSMENTS Reading / Writing Grade 2 Reading May/June 2015 Grade 9 (ELPA) Reading and WritingJanuary 2015 MATHEMATICS ASSESSMENTS Grade 8 MathematicsJune 2015 FRENCH SECOND LANGUAGE (FSL) ORAL PROFICIENCY Grade 6 FSL Oral Proficiency Evaluation (Pilot)March 2015 Grade 12 FSL Oral Proficiency Evaluation first & second semesters ANNUAL ALIGNED MEASURES Grade 6 in Reading, Math, Science Field Testing of Assessment Items at Grade 10 NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL ASSESSMENTS Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA 2015)Main Study Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS)Field Test
GRADE 2 READING - Provincial Of the 5049 second graders registered in the English Prime program, 76.9% met or exceeded the appropriate achievement level in reading, a slight decrease of 0.6 percentage points. Of these students, 54.8% attained the appropriate achievement level and 22.1% attained the strong achievement level. 2.7% of students were exempt and 0.2% did not write.
Grade 2 Reading: District Comparisons The results of the Provincial Literacy Assessment at Grade 2, in Reading, are shown for each of the School Districts by the percentage of students achieving at the appropriate or above levels for the past three years.
Grade 9 English Language Arts Reading – Provincial Of the 5237 registered grade nine students, 78.3% met or exceeded the appropriate achievement level in reading, a decrease of 2.1%. Of these students, 69.7% attained the appropriate achievement level and 8.6% attained the strong achievement level.
English Language Arts Reading Grade 9: District Comparisons The results of the English Language Proficiency Assessment at Grade 9 Reading are shown for each of the School Districts by the percentage of students achieving at the appropriate or above levels for
English Language Arts Reading Grade 9: Program Comparisons - Provincial The trend for the percentage of students at appropriate or above by program on the English Language Proficiency Assessment at Grade 9 Reading, over several years, indicates that Early French Immersion and Late French Immersion students consistently outperform English Prime students. The Grade 9 Literacy Assessment assesses all students in English.
Grade 9 English Language Arts Writing - Provincial On the writing component of the assessment, 90.7% of the 5233 students achieved a score at the appropriate achievement level or above, and increase of 2.5 percentage points. Of these students, 88.2% attained the appropriate achievement level and 2.5% attained the strong achievement level.
English Language Arts Writing Grade 9: District Comparisons The results of the English Language Proficiency Assessment at Grade 9 Writing, are shown for each of the School Districts by the percentage of students achieving at the appropriate or above levels for
English Language Arts Writing Grade 9: Program Comparisons - Provincial The trend for the percentage of students at appropriate or above by program on the English Language Proficiency Assessment at Grade 9 in Writing, over the past several years, indicates that Early French Immersion and Late French Immersion students consistently outperform English Prime students. The ELPA at Grade 9 assesses all students in English
GRADE 8 MATHEMATICS - Provincial Of the 20% sample from the 5248 students registered in Grade 8, 57.7% ± 2.7% met or exceeded the appropriate achievement level in mathematics, indicating little to no change from % of students met the strong achievement level. Please note that 2.2% of students were exempt and 1.8% of students did not write from the selected sample *57.7 percent, plus or minus 2.7 percentage points (55 to 60.4 percent) of the grade 8 student population would be in the AA or SA performance levels 19 times out of 20.
Grade 8 Sample Mathematics Achievement : District Comparisons
GRADE 8 MATHEMATICS PROGRAM The trend for the percentage of students at appropriate or above by program on the Provincial Mathematics Assessment for Grade 8, over the past three years, indicates that Early French Immersion and Late French Immersion students are consistently performing at a higher level than English Prime students. *20% sample was conducted for the school year
Grade 12 French Second Language Oral Proficiency Early French Immersion Program Results - Provincial TARGET: 85% of Grade 12 students will attain an Advanced Oral Proficiency level in the Early French Immersion Program. POPULATION: Mandatory assessment for students enrolled in the Early and Late French Immersion students. French Immersion students are defined as those who adhere to Policy 309. Students must have taken 25% of courses in French in Grade 11 and/or Grade 12. RESULTS: Of the 438 Grade 12 Early Immersion students assessed, 41.6 % met or exceeded the Advanced Proficiency Level.
Grade 12 French Second Language Oral Proficiency Late French Immersion Program Results - Provincial TARGET: 85% of Grade 12 students will attain an Intermediate Plus or above Oral Proficiency level in the Late French Immersion Program. POPULATION: Mandatory assessment for students enrolled in the Early and Late French Immersion students. French Immersion students are defined as those who adhere to Policy 309. Students must have taken 25% of courses in French in Grade 11 and/or Grade 12. RESULTS: Of the 194 Grade 12 Late Immersion students assessed, 56.2 % met or exceeded the Intermediate Plus Proficiency Level..
Questions & Comments Please find individual school based academic results and Student Perception Survey results at