Tri-County Technical College Faculty/Staff Meeting February 25, 2009
Introduction of New Faculty and Staff
Recent Accomplishments Review of State Funding for SC Technical College System TCTC State Funding Our Guiding Principles Budget Cut Communications Budget Cut Focus Groups A Look Ahead
Record-breaking enrollment for Spring Semester Dedicated the Senator Billy O’Dell Learning Center in Honea Path Open Houses – four Divisions TCTEA Winners – Lee Tennent, Administrator – Dr. Peggy Champion, Faculty – Melinda Zeigler, Staff
,270 $3,162 $121,846,213 63,918 $1,290 $171,310,188 Average Tuition and Fees: FTE Enrollment: State Appropriations: State Appropriations per FTE: $1,446$2,680 Currently
July 1, 2008 Fiscal Year General Funds $151,581,687 29% of Total Funding July 1, 2009 Fiscal Year General Funds $110,768,870 * 24% of Total Funding *Includes Potential 8% Reduction 24.4% Reduction
General Funds%Federal Funds%Other Funds%Total Funds Aiken Technical College $5,486,60428% $516,0003% $13,515,81969% $19,518,423 Central Carolina Technical College $6,100,71630% $919,2405% $13,223,56665% $20,243,522 Denmark Technical College $4,043,11041% $2,932,20029% $3,005,30030% $9,980,610 Florence-Darlington Technical College $9,059,89427% $2,198,3977% $22,508,32667% $33,766,617 Greenville Technical College $23,755,61130% $1,249,7672% $53,761,98968% $78,767,367 Horry-Georgetown Technical College $10,395,55732% $1,663,8355% $19,975,44162% $32,034,833 Midlands Technical College $19,636,63225% $3,958,7125% $53,848,55170% $77,443,895 Northeastern Technical College $2,675,37933% $558,2927% $4,921,93660% $8,155,607 Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College $5,790,56332% $919,3965% $11,549,37463% $18,259,333 Piedmont Technical College $9,861,49730% $3,331,20110% $20,129,87160% $33,322,569 Spartanburg Community College $9,381,82428% $933,4493% $23,250,08169% $33,565,354 Technical College of the Lowcountry $4,864,86030% $1,333,8668% $9,756,52461% $15,955,250 Tri-County Technical College $9,711,17530% $1,030,2413% $21,970,61967% $32,712,035 Trident Technical College $20,598,98929% $3,173,9574% $48,017,36067% $71,790,306 Williamsburg Technical College $1,639,34433% $841,25917% $2,497,80050% $4,978,403 York Technical College $8,579,93231% $4,253,96916% $14,567,43953% $27,401,340 Total$151,581,68729% $29,813,7816% $336,499,99665% $517,895,464
After 14.4% Cut % of Total Funds After 7% Cut % of Total Funds After 8% Cut % of Total Funds Aiken Technical College $4,689,26625% $4,357,97724%$4,009,33922% Central Carolina Technical College $5,214,13227% $4,845,76226%$4,458,10124% Denmark Technical College $3,455,81037% $3,211,66235%$2,954,72933% Florence-Darlington Technical College $7,743,27024% $7,196,22023%$6,620,52221% Greenville Technical College $20,303,33827% $18,868,94026%$17,359,42524% Horry-Georgetown Technical College $8,884,82729% $8,257,12828%$7,596,55826% Midlands Technical College $16,782,94823% $15,597,26021%$14,349,47920% Northeastern Technical College $2,286,58129% $2,125,03728%$1,955,03426% Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College $4,949,05228% $4,599,40927%$4,231,45725% Piedmont Technical College $8,428,37926% $7,832,92725%$7,206,29323% Spartanburg Community College $8,018,41425% $7,451,92624%$6,855,77222% Technical College of the Lowcountry $4,158,17227% $3,864,40426%$3,555,25224% Tri-County Technical College $8,299,90327% $7,713,52825%$7,096,44624% Trident Technical College $17,605,45026% $16,361,65424%$15,052,72123% Williamsburg Technical College $1,401,10730% $1,302,12228%$1,197,95226% York Technical College $7,333,05828% $6,814,98927%$6,269,79025% Total$129,553,70727% $120,400,94526%$110,768,87024%
Total Enrollment $15,336,000$3,810, State Funding Tuition & Fees $9,670,000$7,713,528* FY2000 FY2009 * State Funding Adjusted for 20.6% projected reduction.
Focus on our mission. Keep students in the forefront. Protect employees jobs as much as possible. Provide essential services. Aggressively challenge everything we do, looking for improvements and savings. Take the opportunity to better position ourselves for the future. Recognize the extraordinary times and pull together for the good of the College. Recognize that we each have a role to play.
Initial Budget Reduction built into the Plan $ 293,300 Increased Revenue from Enrollment $ 847,982 Operating Expenses$ 193,593 Reduce Temporary Employment$ 88,000 Hold on Replacing Open Perm. Positions$ 574,772 Reductions-to-Date$1,997,647 Our Challenge$1,997,647
Thank you for doing more with less. Record enrollment helped to save us this FY.
Budget Cuts Impact Channel Collection of President’s communications Updates from work of budget cut focus groups Options and opportunities for you to help ▪ e.g. salary donation program, voluntary furlough Share your ideas ▪ More than 90 ideas ▪ All valued!
Voluntary Furlough and Voluntary Salary Donation programs: $10,000 requests Voluntary Teaching: $$19,672 Thank you for your generosity!
Approximately 40 people involved in 4 focus groups Broad triage of all ideas Pros, cons, implications Provided feedback to decision-makers and college community Currently working on key areas that cross division lines: Academic delivery methods Summer school profitability Course scheduling Maximizing class sizes Fee structure (completed) Others Thank you for your hard work!
Some things we will move forward with because it’s the right thing to do: Big Example: Easley Campus ▪ Minimal operational budget impact because other funds are used for buildings Small Example: Color change and possible logo change ▪ Will phase in to minimize costs
$2.6 million cut Total including all cuts for year from base of $9.7 million
Reducing Tuition Remission & Fee Waivers Developing Differential Tuition Rates Implementing Supply and Equipment Fees by Program Changing Printing Practices & Implementing Charges Developing a Rigorous Energy Management Plan Implementing Travel Restrictions Shared Responsibilities Reviewing and Reducing Memberships Assessing Overload Pay Implementing Summer School Sustainability Eliminating positions
The Fred Factor, by Mark Sanborn How passion in your work and life can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. Four “Fred Principles” Copies available in the back of the Auditorium