Mindfulness in the Classroom And Beyond…. Presented at Fresh Takes January 22, 2016 Presented by Dr. Karen Oldham, private practice Charlotte, NC
Outline 1.) Define mindfulness and what the skills are to be practiced. 2.) How does mindfulness affect the human brain? 3.) A model for how mindfulness can be brought into a school and the classroom. 4.) References and Resources for further learning.
The Brain and Mindfulness
Mindfulness in the Classroom Your personal practice Mindfulness and the student Sharing with parents Administrative Support Growth points and challenges
References and Resources Personal Practice Resources Fralich, Terry (2007). Cultivating Lasting Happiness: A 7-step guide to Mindfulness. Pesi Publishers. Kornfield, Jack. (2004). Meditation for Beginners. Sounds True Publications. Siegel, Ronald (2010). The Mindfulness Solution: Everyday Practices for Everyday Problems. The Guilford Press. Professional Resources Bien, T. (2006). Mindful therapy: A guide for therapists and helping professionals. Boston: Wisdom. Bien, Thomas and Bien, Beverly (2002). Mindful Recovery: A Spiritual Path to Healing from Addiction. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Brach, T. (2011). Meditation and psychotherapy: A professional training course for integrating mindfulness into clinical practice. [Audio: CD]. Boulder, CO: Sounds True Hanson, Rick and Mendius, Richard (2009). Buddha’s Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love and Wisdom. New Harbinger Publications. Harvey, S. (2014). The connection: Mind and body. [Video]. Australia: Elemental Media Pollak, S.M., Pedulla, T., & Siegel, R.D. (2014). Sitting together: Essential skills for mindfulness-based psychotherapy. New York: Guilford Press. Children's Resources Snel, Eline and Kabat-Zinn, Mayla (2013). Sitting Still Like a Frog: Mindfulness Exercises for Kids (and Their Parents). Maclean, Kerry Lee. (2004). Peaceful Piggy Meditation. Albert Whitman Prairie Books Thich Nhat Hanh. (2012). A Handful of Quiet: Happiness in Four Pebbles. The Future Teacher Foundation (Author). (2015). Mindfulness Coloring Book for Children: A Fantastic Introduction to Mindfulness