Week 5 Ellen Shilling
Week 6: putting it all together If you want to change your life: Meditate If you want freedom from your thoughts: Meditate If you want to improve your relationship with yourself; Meditate If you want to be more successful: Meditate If you want your life to be all that you want it to be: Meditate & have patience
Every time we meditate: Notice / Observe / Friendly curiosity No judgement Accept Be gentle / show compassion
Lets meditate… Notice your thoughts. Observe your body. Accept what you find. Come back to your breath….. GENTLY The spirit in which you do something is often as importance as the act itself.
Remember…. Anything can be a mindfulness practise – eating, walking, moving…. Tune into your surroundings, cultivate present moment awareness (Breath + Senses.) Anchor point Make your exhale 2 beats longer than your inhale. Be present to and aware of 1 activity every day. Foster acceptance of each and every moment.
And….. Mindfulness is not always easy We’re not trying to stop the mind but observe it….non- judgementally (the hard part) 20 minutes a day for 8 weeks. Mindfulness is the awareness that arises from paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non judgementally.