Acetylcholinesterase (1) Sites of location Cholinergic neurons Cholinergic synapses Neuromuscular junction Red blood cells Substrates Acetylcholine is the best substrate Methacholine is a substrate Hydrolyzes ACh at greater velocity than choline esters with acyl groups larger than acetate or proprionate
Acetylcholinesterase (2) Esters that are not substrates Bethanechol Carbachol Succinylcholine Its inhibition produces synergistic interaction with methacholine and additive actions with bethanechol and carbachol Drugs that block its hydrolysis of esters are called cholinesterase inhibitors
Drug Interactions of Choline Esters and Inhibitors of Acetylcholinesterase - Synergism versus Additivity Methacholine Carbachol Bethanechol
Butyrylcholinesterase (Plasma esterase, pseudocholinesterase, serum esterase, BuChE, PseudoChE)
Butyrylcholinesterase (1) Sites of location Plasma, liver, glial cells, other tissues Substrates Butyrylcholine is the best Acetylcholine Succinylcholine Procaine
Butyrylcholinesterase (2) Esters that are not substrates Methacholine, bethanechol, and carbachol Is inhibited by carbamyl and organophosphate inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase
Active Site of Acetylcholinesterase
Interaction of AChE and Acetylcholine
Acetylation of AChE and Release of Choline
Hydroxyl Group of Water Attacks the Carbonyl Group of Acetylated- AChE to Liberate AChE
Carbamyl Inhibitors of AChE