The BONE Yard The Human Upper Body
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Bones of the skull
Frontal Bone Function: Offers protection for brain Makes up: Roof of nasal cavity Roofs of eyes
Frontosphenoidal Process
Parietal Bone Function: Protects top and front of the brain
Occipital Bone Function: Plays role in blood cell formation in small children and fetal life
Temporal Bone Function: Houses hearing apparatus Contributes to TMJ
Condyloid Process
Ethmoid Bone Function: Separates the nose from the brain
Sphenoid Bone Function: Site of attachment for most cranial muscles
Mandible Function: Helps chew food Helps communicate with words
Maxilla Function: Holds the upper teeth into place
Nasal Function: Gives the nose structure
Maxillary Process
Bones of the Chest Cavity
False Ribs Function: Attaches to sternum Helps offer protection for organs such as heart and lungs
True Ribs Function: Upper 3 attach to ribs Bottom 2 are “floating ribs” Offer protection for chest cavity
Clavicle Function: Links the scapula to the sternum
Manubrium Function: Articulates with sternum, clavicles, and first pair of ribs
Sternum Function: Protects vital areas above heart and lungs
Xyphoid Process Function: Provides attachment point for rectus abdominus muscle
Bones of the Back
Cervical Vertebrae Function: Mobility of neck Protects spinal cord, nerves and arteries
Atlas Function: Allows nodding and rotations of head First cervical vertebrate
Axis Function: Provides support for the head Allows rotation of the head Second cervical vertebrate
Thoracic Vertebrae Function: Provides upper body support Protects the spinal cord
Lumbar Vertebrae Function: Provides support for upper body Largest due to being weight-bearing vertebrae
Scapula Function: Provides support for all shoulder muscles
Bones of the Arm
Humerus Function: Allows for push, pull, lift, reach and rotate objects
Ulna Function: Operates as part of the elbow joint
Radius Function: Allows for us to rotate our hands up and down
Bones of the Hand
Function: Provides support, gliding motion, and shock absorption
Metacarpals Function: Provides finger function and movement
Proximal Phalanges of the Hand Function: Provides support and structure for fingers Allows us to pick things up
Distal Phalanges of the Hand Function: Allows for us to grip, and pick thing up
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