TWR Kenya Retreat Say ‘Amen’ to Jesus (4) Matthew 6:11-12
Say ‘Amen’ to Jesus a framework for prayer two majestic summits one lowland valley ‘A day hemmed in prayer is less likely to unravel.’ ‘give us today our daily bread’ we come before him as unashamed dependants
Say ‘Amen’ to Jesus God is interested in every detail in our lives the Lord redeems us, restores us, and raises us you’ll not get far on an empty stomach life’s basic necessities are a gift from the Lord ‘Pray, and let God worry.’
Say ‘Amen’ to Jesus humbled and thankful an international dimension need to think about others a culture of consumption feed the world share it when we get it one day at a time the essentials to survive
Say ‘Amen’ to Jesus we have what we need, but we pray for what we want God is no man’s debtor our God is a faithful God we’re in it together ‘forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors’
Say ‘Amen’ to Jesus grace to put things right God gives and forgives failure is never final not perfect, but forgiven he doesn’t kiss and tell God specialises in restoring and rebuilding cf. Psalm 103:2-3
Say ‘Amen’ to Jesus My sin, O the bliss of this glorious thought: My sin, not in part but the whole, Is nailed to the cross And I bear it no more – Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
Say ‘Amen’ to Jesus keep short accounts we can’t work for it, we can only ask for it cloud of condemnation is lifted from over our head biblical illustrations – cf. Psalm 103:12; Isaiah 44:22 God chooses not to remember our sins
Say ‘Amen’ to Jesus God heals our wounds grace to be forgiven grace to be forgiving unforgiveness is a hardening of the spiritual arteries to forgive everyone for everything
Say ‘Amen’ to Jesus we forgive even when they don’t ask for it it takes two to reconcile, but only one to forgive we forgive and forget it has no limits – 70x7 we get rid of the cobwebs as well as the spider
‘… give us today our daily bread; forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors …’