Get out your study guides please. Test on Chapter 7 is tomorrow!
God told him to take his entire family to a new land called Canaan. His descendants would begin a new civilization that followed God.
God sent a series of plagues on Egypt. The last one was the death of the first born.
Chaldeans- destroyed the first temple and forced the Israelites into exile to Babylon (Babylonian Exile) Persians- granted religious freedom and allowed them to go back to Israel Romans- destroyed the 2 nd temple, killed many, banned them from Jerusalem, destroyed the city, slavery Positive effect: allowed the Jewish religion and culture to spread across the world
Could not own land unless they had no brothers Could not choose husband Could not receive a formal education Had to listen to husband or father
10 Commandments were given directly by God. The Mosaic were organized by Moses. The Mosaic laws and commandments both guide the Jews in their daily life, but the Mosaic laws are more specific.
Jewish HolidayDescription HanukkahRemember the rededication of the temple, light the menorah and give gifts PassoverRemember the Exodus, eat matzo and eat a special meal (Seder) Yom KippurAsk God for forgiveness by fasting and prayer (holiest day!) Rosh HashanahJewish New Year!
A- lived in France, Germany, and eastern Europe, live in Jewish-only communities, spoke Yiddish S- lived in Spain and Portugal, less discrimination and lived in mixed communities, spoke Ladino
Jewish Zealots locked themselves in a mountain fortress. For 2 years they held off the Romans. The Romans built a giant ramp to defeat them. The zealots took their own lives instead of becoming slaves.
Ruth- model of caring and good behavior Esther- Queen who showed bravery Deborah- Fighting Judge who helped regain Canaan
God- monotheistic (belief in one god!) Education- needs to be a priority, boys only received it Justice- abide by the laws and be punished if you don’t follow them, equal before the law Laws- govern daily and religious life
Longest lasting major MONOTHEISTIC religion in the world. Islam and Christianity are also monotheistic and have Jewish roots
Tanach- another name for the Hebrew Bible Yiddish- language spoke by Ashkenazim Jews Maccabees- Jewish revolt group that rededicated the temple (Hanukkah) Diaspora- the scattering or spread of Jewish people Talmud- collection of commentaries Torah- first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible