1 Stress Management This presentation is part of the Get Fit Topeka! Challenge, a seven-week challenge to help you make fitness, nutrition and wellness a healthy habit in your life. A presentation by Patty Morgan, RDCS, LMSW Echo Technologist St. Francis Health Center Chris Lipp RN, MHSA Director of Cardiac/Vascular Services St. Francis Health Center
22 Disclaimer The content of this presentation is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You are encouraged to confer with your doctor with regard to information provided here and to review the information carefully with your professional health care provider.
3 Guiding Questions and Comments Are stress and heart disease related? Does stress increase the risk of heart disease? Stress is a normal part of life. If left unmanaged, stress can lead to emotional, psychological and physical problems, including coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, chest pains and an irregular heartbeat.
4 Outline What is stress? Physical symptoms of stress Emotional symptoms of stress Common causes of stress Stress management Comments
5 What Is Stress? Stress is the body’s reaction to changes in the environment or your body’s response to change. The body’s reactions include mental, emotional and behavioral responses. Some stress in life is good, even desirable. Stress relieves monotony and helps us set goals.
6 Physical Symptoms of Stress Headaches, neck, jaw or backaches Muscle aches or stiffness Shaky or cold, clammy hands Fatigue Insomnia Heartburn Overeating or increased smoking Ulcers Skin disorders, rashes, hives or acne Changes in appetite (increase or decrease)
7 Emotional Symptoms of Stress The emotional symptoms of stress can cause significant impact on your life and the lives of those around you. Symptoms include nervousness, fearfulness, impatience, forgetfulness, frustration, confusion, anger, irritability, depression, lack of concentration and withdrawal. Physical responses include speaking rapidly, chain smoking, excessive drinking, teeth grinding, nail biting, hair twisting, sexual problems and restlessness.
8 Common Causes of Stress Illness, either personal or in a family member or friend Death of a friend or loved one Problems in a personal relationship Work overload Starting a new job Unemployment Retirement Pregnancy Crowds Relocation Daily hassles Legal problems Financial concerns Perfectionism
9 Stress Management Avoid, eliminate or control what you can. Spend less time with people who bother you. Avoid driving in rush-hour traffic. Change how you respond to situations; try to be positive. Learn to say no. Give yourself enough time to get things done.
10 Reduce Stress Through Activity Exercise Massage Meditation Prayer Relaxation techniques Yoga
11 Final Comments Managing your stress will improve your general well-being, mental health and relationships with others and may reduce risk factors that contribute to major diseases.