1 Literature Review Digital government and Bio- defense: what they are, major issues, major IT issues, and who work on those issues Dai Cui
2 Data Mining /Cluster Analysis Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Homeland Security/Bio-defense and Digital Government The framework designed for the original topic
3 Literatue Review: Digital government and Bio-Defense (1). Digital government: (a) major issues (b) why technology matters (c) who are working on technology issues (2). Bio-defense: (a) bio-defense as part of homeland security agenda (b) why homeland security is related to digital government (c) major issues in bio-defense (d) what technologies can do (e) who are working on technology issues
4 Digital Government and Homeland Security (1). Digital Government: (a) major issues – accessibility – integration of intra-government IT – security and privacy Elmagarmid and McIver (IEEE Computer 2001)
5 Digital Government and Homeland Security (1). Digital government: (b) technology issues (c) who are working on technology issues – accessibility – integration of intra-government IT – security and privacy
6 (1). Digital government: Who are working on major issues Digital Government Research Center (DGRC) Columbia University and University of Southern California The Center for Technology in government Sate University of New York at Albany National Center for Digital Government Research and Practice at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government The Center for Digital Government at California
7 Digital Government and Homeland Security (2). Bio-defense: (a) bio-defense as part of homeland security agenda (b) why homeland security is related to digital government
8 (2). Bio-defense: The paradigm applicable for the national response to all forms of terrorism Intelligence and surveillance Prevention Protection Interdiction Response and recovery Attribution Digital Government and Homeland Security
9 (2). Bio-defense: (c) major issues in bio-defense – Identification and diagnosis of bio- terrorist threat agents – Correction of present vulnerabilities in the U.S. public-health infrastructure Digital Government and Homeland Security
1010 (2). Bio-defense: (d) what technologies can do (e) who are working on technology issues development of new molecular technologies The Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Bio-defense Strategies Digital Government and Homeland Security
1 (2). Bio-defense: (d) what technologies can do (continued) improving surveillance of potential disease outbreaks across medical systems development of means for rapid and efficient communication between the various levels of government, health care systems, and individual medical providers Digital Government and Homeland Security
1212 (2). Bio-defense: (e) who are working on the issues of information systems issues people: education, training policies and protocols medical devices network and communication technologies Digital Government and Homeland Security
1313 (e) who are working on the issues of IS issues The Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Bio-defense Strategies The Center for the Study of Bio-terrorism and Emerging Infections, Saint Louis University. The Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy (CIDRAP) Center for Non-Proliferation Studies, Monterey Institute of International Studies The University of Findlay, Center for Terrorism Preparedness Harvard Sussex Program on CBW Armament and Arms Limitation Analytical Services, Inc. Homeland Defense (ANSER) The International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism (Israel) Terrorism Research Center