Crime Any act that is labeled as such by those in authority, is prohibited by law, and is punishable by the gov’t.
Crime Statistics Crime stats are kept by race, sex, and age. Houston’s violent crimes in August of 2012: 25 murders, 53 cases of rape, 723 cases of aggravated assault.
Types of Crime Part I Offenses (Serious) include murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, auto theft, arson. Part II Offenses (less serious) include assault, forgery, fraud, embezzlement, vandalism, weapon, drugs, gambling, prostitution, DUI, vagrancy, disorderly conduct etc.
Violent Crime Murder, Rape, Robbery, Aggravated Assault. According to UCR… a violent crime occurs every 22 seconds in the United States.
Crime Against Property Burglary (breaking and entering), larceny (theft other than auto), auto theft, and arson. All property crime includes theft of property or damage to property.
White Collar Crime Offenses committed by individuals of high social status. Fraud, tax evasion, embezzlement, toxic pollution, misrepresentation, insider trading, price fixing etc.
Organized Crime Crime Syndicate- large-scale organization of professional criminals that controls some vice or business through violence or the threat of violence. Large gangs, the mob etc.
Victimless Crime Prostitution, gambling, illegal drug use, vagrancy etc. They create no harm to anyone except the person committing the crime.
Criminal Justice System Completes the judicial process once the crime has been committed. Police, courts, and corrections (prison)
Criminal Justice System Terms Police Discretion: power to decide if crime or violation has been committed. Racial Profiling: Assuming a minority race is more likely to commit a crime. Plea Bargaining: legal negotiation that allows a defendant to plea guilty for a lesser sentence or punishment. Recidivism: term for repeated criminal behavior. Juvenile Justice System: Corrections system for minors that commit a crime. Corrections: punishment of convicted criminals Retribution; Deterrence; Rehabilitation; Social Protection