Chapter 6 Section 2 Railroads forced the country into a synchronized time. C.F. Dowd came up with dividing the earth into 24 time zones. Each one for an hour of the day US had 4 of the time zones Railroads unified the country from coast to coast
Other industries grew to keep pace with railroads demands Iron, coal, steel, lumber, and glass Towns got into specific industries Chicago – stockyards Minneapolis - grain
Period 2, 5, & 6 We will examine the impact of railroads on the development of America. Skyscraper Challenge Chapter 6.2 Notes Pullman Strike documents Chapter 6.3 Reading
George Pullman built sleeper cars for the railroads Built a town specifically for his workers to live in. Apartments were nicer than most cities in US Workers couldn’t drink alcohol Workers couldn’t loiter Pullman had a violent strike when he cut wages but wouldn’t lower rent
The Panic of 1893 600 banks closed 15,000 business failed 4 million people lost their jobs The Panic of 1893 was the worst economic depression up to that point