Open House *Please sign in *Sign up for a conference time *Take one of each packet *Sign up for text message reminders by to 81010
Folders Please check your child’s backpack daily. Conduct Folders are sent home daily. Please review your child’s behavior every day. Initial nightly. Poetry Journals go home the Friday after we have learned a poem. Please have your child read the poem to you each night. You can complete the homework a little at a time until you return it the following Thursday. We just started checking out library books, so please read them each night. We ask that you keep the library book in their backpack when you are not reading it, so it does not get lost.
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time.
Tuesday Folder Tuesday Folders go home every Tuesday. Please read the flyers to see what is happening at the school. Initial and send back the following day. Kinder Bear Reading Club – This will be tracked in your child’s Tuesday folder. Each kindergartener is expected to read 15 books and write a book report. The book report should contain, the title of the book, a picture of the child’s favorite part, and a sentence about his/her favorite part. Students have until the end of April to complete book reports.
Your Child’s Progress All students will receive a report card at the end of each nine weeks. Progress reports will be sent home to every child the first 3 weeks of each grading period. The next progress reports in the grading period will only be sent to struggling students. S & N are the two grade marks you will see on the report cards. You can check your child’s progress periodically in family access which can be located on FBISD’s homepage. Here is the link to see our kindergarten curriculum:
Progress Reports Grades are not final If your child receives an N, there will be a note explaining why. Please sign and return.
Assessments PAPI (Phonemic Awareness and Phonics Inventory)- Sept., Jan., April DRA2 (Diagnostic Reading Assessment 2)- Sept., Feb., May Writing Benchmark: February Math Assessment: November and April GT Testing: Oct.- only if a parent nominates their child Common Assessments
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Conferences We have 2 scheduled conferences this year: one in the fall (Oct. 9) and one in the spring (Feb. 12). On these days, students should attend school like normal, but will be dismissed at 12:10. Please sign up for a conference time before leaving tonight. Additional conferences can be scheduled as necessary during the year.
Dismissal Please make sure you are picking up your child on time everyday!! If you need to change the way your child goes home or who is picking them up, the teacher must receive a note in writing (in daily folder incase I cannot check ) indicating the changes by 12:00. No Exceptions
Absences If your child is absent, please send a note to school the day your child is able to return. –Date –Reason for absence –Guardian signature All children must be fever free for 24 hours without medication before returning to school. 5 unexcused tardies or leaving early may affect student’s conduct grade.
Sleep and Nutrition Please make sure your child is getting the appropriate amount of sleep every night. 5-6 year olds should be getting 8-10 hours of sleep every night! Also, please be sure to send a nutritious snack with your child to school each day. –Pretzels, cheese crackers, granola bar, peanut butter crackers, etc. –ONLY water is allowed for snack. No juice. –Please no tube yogurts, or snacks that require a spoon.
Dress code Please have your child wear tennis shoes daily. We go out to play every day and children are required to wear closed toed shoes.*No sandals!! Girls: Please wear a pair of shorts under your skirts. Please label all jackets and backpacks so we know who they belong to. Please make sure you keep a change of clothes with your child’s name on them in their backpack.
Birthdays We will honor birthdays by acknowledging them at calendar time. If you would like, you can send cupcakes or cookies (16 students in our class) for each child to have at the end of the day. Please no juice boxes, goodie bags, or candles. Invitations must be given to everyone in the class or all of the girls/boys.
How to help at home Reading nightly for 20 minutes, Poetry Journal, reread guided reading books; work on retelling stories after reading library books. Review work they bring home and discuss your expectations for their quality of work. Cutting, writing center, crayons
Contact Information My phone number is My is Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns throughout the year.