FRIULOVEST BANCA A bank serving local economy
Our History th May 1891 Cassa Rurale di Meduno 29th November 1891 Cassa Rurale di San Giorgio 28th October 1995 Banca di Credito Cooperativo di San Giorgio e Meduno 26th May 2012 Friulovest Banca Credito Coop.
Our business management 21 branch offices 131 employees
Our members 500 young people
Our figures: loans Families 44% Producers 23%
Our figures: loans Agriculture 37% Building and public works 16% Trade 15%
We support Families Companies Associations The Region
Our figures Our figures Emprovement of life quality of local communities Social responsibility: in 2011 over to over 500 associations
Cooperation network Cooperation network
52 agriculture cooperatives 46 workers - production coops 13 cultural, sport and tourism coops 33 social coops 9 consumer coops 2 banking coops 5 housing coops
In the town ship of San Giorgio della Richinvelda (4.800 inhabitants) there are 10 cooperatives A cooperative Land A cooperative Land Stalla sociale fra vivaisti soc. ccop. Coop. di consumo Rauscedo Coop. di lavoro San Giorgio
10 BCC 224 sportelli 45 BCC 810 sportelli 15 BCC 234 sportelli TN 45 BCC 331 sportelli 38 BCC 676 sportelli BZ 47 BCC 196 sportelli 23 BCC 440 sportelli 20 BCC 198 sportelli 10 BCC 101 sportelli 27 BCC 157 sportelli 29 BCC 337 sportelli 30 BCC 345 sportelli 15 BCC 88 sportelli 28 BCC 168 sportelli 21 BCC 135 sportelli Giugno 2012 The national network 403 Coop banks: 55,1% of italian banks 403 Coop banks: 55,1% of italian banks branch offices: 13,3% of italian banks branch offices: 13,3% of italian banks members: + 3,5% a year members: + 3,5% a year
15 Cooperative banks 230 branch offices 24 % of FVG banks 230 branch offices 24 % of FVG banks members The regional network
A big network of local banks means: streamlined and flexible job centralised and joint services A big network of local banks allows: economies of scale efficiency and cost containment income growth information, technologies and resources movement The regional network
Self - Government Mutual Cooperation Local vocation Integrated System BCC = different banks Strenghts: proximity to customer local economy knowledgment flexible organization
CREDIMA Friulovest Bancas mutual aid society was founded in 2006
…to develop : Social responsibility Cooperative solidarity Principle of mutuality through
Promotion and enhancement of health and wellness Reimbursement of health care and sport expensives Attention to family and community needs
776 Health care reimbursements 694 Sport and school costs reimbursements 144 Affiliated facilities 2027 Members