Uses of Some Elements
Carbon exists in several different forms (called allotropes)- diamond, graphite, soot, charcoal Diamond is the hardest natural substance. Thousands of tiny diamonds are attached to saws and drills for cutting concrete and drilling into rocks.
This gas is an unreactive element. It does not combine readily with other elements. Hence it can be used in the packing of food It is also used in the making of fertilisers.
Sulphur is a yellow non-metallic element, found in the free state. It is used to harden rubber used for making tyres. It is also used in the manufacture of sulphuric acid, pesticides and drugs.
Iodine is a non-metallic element that sublimes when heated to form a violet vapour. When dissolved in ethanol, it forms tincture of iodine, used as an antiseptic.
Oxygen is the most important gaseous element to all living organisms on earth They need it for respiration.
Zinc is used to coat iron sheets to make galvanised iron. It is also mixed with copper to form the alloy, brass.
Mercury is the only metallic element that is a liquid at room temperature. It is used in liquid-in-glass thermometers, fluorescent lamps and some dental fillings
Magnesium burns with a white dazzling light and so it is used in distress flares. It is also used in making fireworks.
Aluminium, being strong, and of low density is used to make aeroplane parts. This metal is also used to make drink cans, cooking utensils and ladders. Being a good electrical conductor and of low density, it is also used to make overhead electricity cables.
This metal is commonly used to make electrical wires as it is a good electrical conductor and is inexpensive. It is also used to make water pipes. When mixed with tin, it forms the alloy called bronze and when mixed with zinc, it forms the alloy called brass.